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I paced the room, one that adjoined the council chambers within the Jedi Temple. I looked around the small circle boxed in with a small window that overlooked Coruscant, much like the wall-window within the council chambers...only smaller. The whole room was smaller, only fitting a small center circle with six chairs adjoining the room instead of thirteen. There were two ways into the room...a smallish door which connected to the council chambers, and a small door that lead to the hallway right outside the Council Chambers. They were both well hidden within the walls...I was surprised when Master Yoda had first showed me this room as I couldn't've ever thought it to be here.

I wanted to reform the Grey Jedi sub-order but to do that...I'd need at least more than half of the council to agree with me.... A feat I didn't think I could do...and on top of convincing the council, I also haft to pick members to be on the Grey the Grey Jedi work both under and yet separately from the Jedi High Council. I stopped as I looked around the room.

I can do this.... I told myself. No...I must do this.... It's been a week since I woke up on Naboo and during that time...I've been away, resting...healing. My injuries I'd sustained while trying to help Padmé has all but healed...only stiff and sore from time to time. Although...the one that pained me most was the one Lily-la delivered as my skin was still quite raw and even under a clothing still itched it.

Lily-la...she was just a child caught in the middle of something she couldn't possibly comprehend...and yet...she was still stuck in a cell within the Jedi Temple. Her only crime...? Fighting me only to help someone who'd easily leave her behind.... It made my blood boil.... She was with Dooku, he'd obviously trained her...and then he just left her when he got in a bind...!

I had to get her out...she's like me...her emotions don't get the best of her.... I told myself. Though...that also means that everything she does...she knows what she's doing...right...or wrong....

Master Yoda entered the small room and my pacing stopped. "Master." I greeted him as I gave a small, formal, bow as greeting.

"Think about this, I have...." Master Yoda told me. "Rest of the council, waiting, they are."

We both left the small room. Most of the Masters sat in their chairs upon the Jedi Council but some weren't on world and as thus...appeared as holograms within their respective chairs. I must say...I've never been within a meeting where more than one or two Masters weren't physically here.... Master Yoda took his place within his chair while I took mine.

Everyone sat still, in silence, for a minuet or two...slightly confused upon why this meeting was called. To my knowledge...Master Yoda told them nothing except to call them for a meeting.

"The whole galaxy's at stake." I started to say, earning everyone's attention. "We need everything we've got." I looked around the room for a split second, as if second guessing myself. I didn't know how this was going to go over.... After I'd built up my confidence in what I was about to say did I say it. "As such...I would like to reform the Grey Jedi." There...I said it. I looked around the room.

"We don't need more people to stray from the light." I heard one of them which all the others agreed.

"Not everyone is like you, Master Amidala." I heard Master Windu tell me.

"No...." I agreed with him. "But not everyone needs to be like me to be a Grey Jedi." I told them as I remembered what I'd read of the Grey Jedi within the holocrons within the Temple Vaults. "Their order is not for anyone...." I paused, as if collecting my thoughts. "But it doesn't have to be." I looked around the room. "You don't have to use the dark don't have to use the light...but you mustn't lose yourself to the darkness.... And some can do that." I looked around the room before my eyes landed on Master Windu. "You do this use your anger and rage when you fight for small bursts of power." I'd seen this the very first time we'd spared. "But you know when to pull never cross too far...and if you can do it...why can't others...?" I paused as I spoke, letting my words sink in. "Others may be affected by the darkness more than me...but each person is different...on barely affects their judgment." I looked around the room. "While others are fascinated with learning more about it but could never lose themselves to it." I looked out the window, at all the speeders flying past...not quite knowing the threats we might yet face.... "Those people are who I wish to involve within this order. In this knowledge...there is power. Let me find it...and we might yet succeed."

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