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The streets bustled around us as people practically stormed about, acting as though the galaxy were about to end. Some even haggled with the street merchants, trying to buy as much as they could with as little as possible.

"Why are we down here...?" Lily-la questioned me as she pulled her white cloak tighter against her, as though she were wary of any pick pockets.

I pulled my own cloak tighter at the motion, trying not to let my sabers show. After all, I didn't particularly want people to pay us any would defeat the purpose of us even wearing these cloaks, that I so did not take from my sister's wardrobe from her apartment here.

"We're just wondering, besides...I haven't been out in ages." I told her, slightly stretching my arms outwards yet still trying not to bump into anyone. "Felt like a caged Shaak."

"Probably for the best." I heard a nearby marchant state, obviously talking to me as we were the ones closest to him. Lily-la and I walked closer to the old guy, who looked barely able to stand on his two feet. Probably why he sat on a little stool behind his stand. "Y'heard...there's a war on." He elaborated.

"So I've heard." I told him, keeping anything else to myself. "What do you make of it...?" I was fishing for any rumors that might be floating around.

"This and that." The old man stated, obviously above any rumors about it.

I looked at his stand, looking at all the fruits he sold. "Do you sell Shuura...?" I questioned him.

The man stood up from his small stool before he reached under the counter for a small box that he brought up top. The boxed housed small pear shaped fruit the color of yellow-cream with a bit of green. "Eight credits for one or twelve for two." The man replied as he looked from me to Lily-la and back to me.

"How much for four...?" I questioned him.

"Two sets of two, sixteen credits." The man replied as he collected two small bags, enough to house only two fruit each.

Just as I was about to fish for my coin pouch, under my cloak, a guy came barreling through Lily-la and myself as though he was in a rush.

"Sorry." The man replied, keeping his head down as he bumped into, past, me. He then bumped into the stand, knocking off some fruit, as he left. "Sorry...!" He called out, obviously in a rush.

"Some people...." The man stated before he looked down at the fruit stand, bending down to pick up the pieces the rushing man had knocked down. I knelt down to help him pick up some of the fruits. "Wait a minute...." The man stated as he saw all the fruits back on the stand, it definitely looked a little less full than it had just a moment ago...though not by much. There only looked to be two or three empty places now when just a moment ago, there were none. "That no-good thief...." The man grumbled.

"I could try and find him." I stated as I thought about it. I didn't quite get a good look at him, he was wearing dusted black clothing as well. I looked around the area, not seeing anyone that quite matched him.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that now." The old man grumbled. "Unless you got a good look at him."

"No." Both Lily-la and I seemed to tell the guy.

"But his breath smelt something awful." Lily-la commented. "Like sour fish."

"So, the Shuura...?" The old man asked me, still wanting to know if I'd buy some.

I reached for my coin pouch, noticing it was gone. I let out a little curse before Lily-la held it up in her hands.

"Grabbed this back before he left at least." Lily-la stated as she handed me my coin pouch.

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