Halloween Special

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(A/N: not part of actual storyline, just a little spooky special I thought I'd do for Halloween.)

I sat in my bedroom within the Temple with Lily-la as she carved a pumpkin, she was currently just pulling the pumpkin guts out of the pumpkin.

"Yuck...!" Lily-la stated as she flung the guts across the room.

I reached my hand out and stopped the guts from hitting the wall. The guts slightly hovered in the air before it hovered towards the trash can, and down it got flung.

"Can you not try and make my room a mess...?" I asked Lily-la after I discarded the pumpkin guts before I went back to my task.

"I can't help it...!" Lily-la complained. "It's so yucky."

"Then use the small shovel or something I gave you." I told the young Togruta as I twirled some webbing along the edges of the top of the room, along the wall.

"That's no fun...!" Lily-la pouted.

"Then suffer in silence." I stated, a bit darkly.

"That's mean." Lily-la stated softly before her pumpkin started to float in mid air, slightly hover. "Stop that...!"

"I'm not doing that." I stated as I looked at Lily-la's pumpkin, just about finished with my webbing.

"Don't lie." Lily-la stated. "You're the only one in here." She pointed out. "It has to be you."

I then heard a spooky 'ooo' sound coming from the doorway. "Hellooo...!" I heard a familiar voice state, drawing out the 'ooo' sound in the word as they acted like a ghost. "I've come to haunt yoooooou."

I used the force to throw some webbing on Obi-wan. "So immature." I stated from my place on the bed. He promptly placed Lily-la's pumpkin back on the ground.

"Thank you." Lily-la stated softly before she went back to her pumpkin.

"Says the one that threw fake spider webbing on me." He stated as he took the webbing off, some still clinging to his hair.

"You so deserved that and you know it." I told him before I walked over to him, taking the webbing out of his hair.

"Fair enough." He responded, giving me a soft smile. He then looked at Lily-la. "She not dressed yet...?"

I looked at him, questioningly.

"Dressed for what...?" Lily-la asked him.

Obi-wan looked at me before he pulled a bag out from behind his back. "Trick or treating...?" He asked me, showing a full bag of candy. "At least I've got you covered." He then looked around the room. "Why do you not have a bowl to put the candy in...? And shouldn't you know about this...? You're on the council. Surely you must've heard about it...?"

"Sometimes I half listen in on things." I told him, my voice full of honesty. "Wait...." I stated, remembering about it. "That's tonight...?" I deadpanned.

"Did you forget...?" He asked me. "Luckily I came prepared." He then pulled a bowl out of the bag before he looked around the room. "At least you're prepared." He then looked at Lily-la. "And she's already done with the pumpkin."

"What...?" I questioned him before I looked at Lily-la. She was using the force to get the last pumpkin piece out of her jack-o-lantern. It had a scary face carved within it. "Cool."

Obi-wan placed the orange bowl with pictures of scary looking bats along the side of it on my nightstand, which he pulled near the entrance of the room. It was now sitting right in front of my door with just enough room to get in and out. He then grabbed some of the remaining webs and arched them from the walls and onto the nightstand before he placed some toy spiders along the webs.

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