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The lights came on what seemed like a second after the room had become encased in darkness yet I knew I had been in the dark far longer than a second. I pulled the cover over my head, encasing myself back in the darkness.

"Nova." I heard Obi-wan say, like an overprotective parent, as he pulled the cover off my head.

I just looked at him, a sort of disbelieving look plastered on my face. He just nudged me up, ignoring my silent attitude.

"Sit up." He told me before he held up a completely new tub of the burn ointment. "This should make you feel better."

"I doubt it." I told him yet I still cooperated. I shrugged off my tunic as he sat down beside me before he started to put the ointment along my upper back. When he was done, he grabbed some of the bandage wrap I still had in my dresser and wrapped it over the ointment as he made sure it wouldn't rub off. I then placed my tunic back on my back.

"Remember." He stated, concerned. "Three times a day. When you wake up, when you go to bed, and sometime between."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Master." I sarcastically stated as I took the burn ointment from him and placed it on top of my night stand.

"I mean it." He told me as he looked at me, his eyes trailed down to my lips as we sat there. I nudged closer to him before a beeping from my comlink broke my attention from him.

I backed away from Obi-wan, who stood up and started for the door.

"Anakin, what did you do...?" I asked him as soon as I saw him appear as a hologram just above my comlink. At that, Obi-wan stopped and looked back at me, questioningly.

"You're needed in the halls of healing, Master Amidalla." Anakin stated, not saying anything else.

"Anakin...?" I questioned him, trying to keep my voice calm. "What happened...?"

"Lily-la blacked out for a second in her fighter." Anakin stated, more like rushed yet I could still hear what he'd said. I instantly stood up from the bed. "She's fine now, it was only for a second. Enough for her fighter to almost hit mine luckily she woke up in enough time for us to just barely miss each other." He tried to reassure me.

"I'm on my way." I told him as I started for the hallway, Obi-wan following after me.

"She's fine now...seems fine now." Anakin stated. "The healers still want to examine her."

"Just what did you do...?" Obi-wan asked him, finally voicing his concerns.

"Obi-wan...?" Anakin seemed a bit surprised that Obi-wan was still with me. "Nothing, Master." Anakin tried to defend himself. "She was fine one second but not the next. She said she just got tired for a second. Honest."

"We'll be there shortly." I stated before I hung up the call and placed my com-link back on my belt. "Honestly...." I told Obi-wan. "I fear the day he gets his own Padawan."

"He'll need to learn to teach sooner or later." Obi-wan told me.

"Should just have him help Master Yoda with the younglings, learn how to learn how to teach." I told Obi-wan.

"He's far too reckless for the younglings." Obi-wan told me.

"Maybe." I slightly agreed with him.

It didn't take us long to get to the Halls of Healing but when I heard some familiar voices arguing, I ducked behind a pillar as I brought Obi-wan with me as we hide out of sight.

"Nova...?" He questioned me but I just put my hand over my lips as I silently told him to be quiet. I then pointed just around the corner of the hall. He ducked out a little before he came back.

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