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~~~A Week Later~~~

I looked out the window of the room I shared with Lily-la, who seemed content with locking herself in her room while complaining she was sick. I'd already called a med droid in here to check her out. It's been happening more and more lately. Some day's she perfectly fine and other's...she doesn't even want to get out of bed. I let out a sigh as I watched yet another ship fly past, transporting yet even more soldiers into space...most likely towards a star destroyer within orbit. The war had gotten worse lately...the Temple's so quiet lately, as though close to no one is here.

Kala and Tami are still on their mission with Xander and Nadia...Mia-Nadia's look alike. I have to tell myself, remembering the girl's name. They should be done with their mission soon, arriving back at the Temple within the next day or so. Meanwhile, Anakin and Obi-wan had already been sent on a scouting mission, trying to see which planets were now definitely under Separatist control. It had became urgent to know the exact state a planet was within and just whose side their governments supported when some of the senators tried to play both sides but mainly outing everything the Republic was doing to the Separatists. Or so Padmé told me, since that seemed to be the whole issue brought up at the last senate meeting.

The rest of the council was also on missions of their own, the only two left here seemed to be me and Master Yoda, who still taught the younglings. It seemed like everyone was out doing everything and I was stuck here, my eyes glanced at the door of Lily-la's room before back out the window. Not like she was the only reason why I'd been confined to the temple as the rest of the council had wanted me at 100% before even sending me anywhere. I slightly stretched my arms behind my back, which was now completely healed save for a long scar running across the top of my back.

The door of my room opened, bringing me out of my thoughts as my arms rested back to my sides. I turned around to notice one of the temple's humanoid medical droids entering my room.

"What seems to be the problem...?" The medical droid asked me with its robotic voice.

"My Padawan's sick." Was my answer before I pointed towards her room. "I'd like you to examine her."

"Shouldn't she be brought to the halls of healing...?" The medical droid asked me.

"Only if you want to drag her there." I scoffed at it, not really in the mood for its questions. "She says she's tired, she won't get out of bed. She also felt a little warm to the touch, so she could possibly have a fever as well."

"Anything else...?" The medical droid asked me.

"No." I stated and with that, the medical droid went into Lily-la's room after I unlocked it via the force. "Though I am needed elsewhere at the moment."

The lock is really just a way someone says to be left alone.

"Understood." The medical droid stated at my words.

Now with the medical droid looking after Lily-la, I could go to where Master Yoda had wanted me. Apparently, he wanted me to head to the hanger and not like I knew why...he didn't say.


As I entered the temple's hanger, clone troopers marched over the place. Which I found slightly odd, there were about twice as many as normal.

"Master Amidalla, nice to see you, it is." I heard the familiar voice of Master Yoda state almost as soon as I'd entered the hanger.

"Master Yoda." I greeted him with a little bow. "Why did you call me here...?" Not that I'm complaining but I am quite curious.

"Curious to meet you, those under you are." Master Yoda told me as he motioned for a clone to come over. "Get to know you, they should. Not easy to trust someone with your life, it is."

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