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I opened the door of the apartment I'd left Lily-la within...not expecting the war zone I'd soon see. I looked around the apartment, pillows and blankets thrown across the floor. Tami and Lily-la each held a wooden saber, sparing upon the bar. All the while, Kala watched from the sofa as the two clambered about. The only thing Kala would do would be to use the Force to occasionally move breakable objects away from the sparing pair. With a quick roll of my eyes, I used the Force to confiscate their wooden blades. The instant I did, the two young girls instantly jumped off the bar and sat on the barstools acting as if they weren't just sparing upon the bar.

"Kala...." I scolded my best friend who just let them have at it. "Really...?"

"They're the ones who started it." Kala was quick with the blame.

"Only after you gave us the wooden sabers...!" Tami told Kala, instantly defending herself.

I kept my gaze upon Kala. "And you just let them have at it...." I told her.

"They got bored...I got bored." Kala easily told me.

I looked at the wooden sabers before I looked back at Kala. "Where did you even get these...?"

"From the back of your closet." Kala easily told me.

"From the back...of the closet...?" I questioned Kala before I went into my bedroom. She did not.... I told myself before I opened up the closet doors. Sure the back of the closet two of the wooden pillars were missing. Luckily, they were only there to make the inside of the closet look more than just a wooden box which housed Obi-wan's and my clothes. I placed the 'wooden sabers' in the back of the closet before I reentered the living room. "Alright...time to clean up." I told them, only to hear sounds of displeasure from the two young girls. I turned my gaze upon Kala. "You too."

"Me...?!" Kala asked as if that was unfair.

"You let them." I easily told her, a fair argument and she knew it.

With a grunt of annoyance, Kala stood from the sofa and used the Force to quickly clean up the apparemment without the help of Tami and Lily-la. It honestly looked better than it did when I'd first brought Lily-la here.

After she was done, Kala turned her head to me. "Happy now...?" She asked.

"Very." I responded before I sat down upon the sofa, Kala joining me. "Obi-wan agreed to join the Grey Council." I told Kala as Lily-la and Tami talked about just about anything.

"As I said he would." Kala told me. "You are too cute together." She told me, quietly enough that only I could hear her. "You, me, Obi-wan...that just leaves someone like you." She looked at Lily-la.

"When she's older...and is at least a Knight...I'll ask her when the time is right." I told Kala, to which she seemed to agree with me on that part.

"And two more spots you can place." Kala told me.

"And I've no clue who will fill them...." I told her, honestly.

"What about Master Windu...?" Kala asked me. "You said he was an ideal match."

"Possibly...." I admired. "But I don't know...the Jedi Code is his life.... He won't abandon it...not completely at least." And I really don't need anyone like that to begin with. Grey Jedi strive for balance...they aren't supposed to be all light or all dark....

"What about Anakin...? After he becomes a Knight." Kala asked me after thinking about it. "He is the chosen one...the one destined to bring balance to the Force. And don't Grey Jedi thrive for that balance...?"

"I don't know...." I honestly told Kala. "Grey Jedi are supposed to aid the chosen one in their destiny...besides...." It's not like there's a rule about the chosen one being or not being a Grey Jedi...but Anakin...? I thought for a moment about Anakin. There was just something about him...something I just couldn't place my finger on. "I don't think he would be a good match anyways...." He holds the same amount of potential for the darkness as he does the light...he tries so desperately to align with the light but his anger.... I slightly shivered. Can go too far.... It could be his undoing....

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