Her arrival

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"Y/n, where here" missy said as we pull up to a very pink house. I opened the car door and got out of the pink car. I then grabbed my black bag from the trunk, why did everything have to be pink. Ringgggg, I look at missy and see her pull her phone. A few moment after she answer her phone her eyes went wide. "Dale, please show Y/n her room, then meet me at town hall" missy said while hurrying to open the car door. After she was in the car she drove out the driveway down the street. "Umm, okay, follow me Y/n" Dale said while looking at the car missy drove away in. He turn to the door and walked to it with me following him. When we made it to the door he unlocked and opened it. He moved aside and did a hand motion for me to walk in the house. I walked in to the house and oh god WHY IS EVERYTHING PINK, I want to cry. "Y/n, after I show you your room, I need to go to town hall" Dale said after he closed the front door. Well I didnt know that dale, Dude I was there when missy said that. "Okay, uncle dale" I said with a forced smile. He smiles back then he turned to the stair and stared to walk up them with me folloing him. When we reached the top of the stairs I see two rooms, one has a pink sign that said addisons room.

The other room had a black sign on it that said y/ns room. "We know that you hate pink so we had it painted" dale said with a smile then he opened the door to my new room. Wow it's all black, a smile appeared on my face. I drop my bag on my bed then ran at dale giving him a big hug. "Soooo you like the room" he said already knowing my answer, I mean most likely It showed on my face. Rinngggg, I pulled away from the hug as dale pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Crap, y/n I have to go but you can go walk around" dale said while running out of the room and down the stairs.shit I think he skipped a step, I hear the front door open then close. I look around my room and see a balcony, I walk close to the balcony and see the forbidden forest.

I open the door and walk out onto the balcony, to get a closer look at the forest without leaving the house. The forest is so pretty, I reminded me of my parents, Mom..... dad, huh? I move my hands to my face and feel something wet. I was crying, Sighhh I miss them so much, Maybe I should sing the song. I would make me feel better, mom used to sing it to me when all the time, her goes nothing.

~Flower, gleam and glow~
~Let your power shine~
~Make the clock reverse~
~Bring back what once was mine~

~Heal what has been hurt~
~Change the Fates' design~
~Save what has been lost~
~Bring back what once was mine~

~What once was mine~

I look up at the sky "I love you, mom....dad, I love you" I said with tears running down my face. Snap, I look at the woods where I hear the twig snap to see what caused it. But all I saw was a pair of yellow glowing eyes looking at me. I feel like I should be scared but im not, I just feel a pull telling me to go to the eyes. All of a sudden I hear a howl, then the eyes are gone. Knock knock "y/n" I hear addison say like she didnt think I was actually here. I walk to the door and opened it, but I dont remember closing the door, eh whatever. When It was open I see addison with her white hair out. "Y/N" addison yelled then hugged me very tighty, shit Its hard to breath. Someone help me "addison, if you keep holding her like that shes going to pass out" I hear missy said with a laugh. I thank you missy beacause addison left me go "sorry Y/n" addison said with a red face.

Which caused me to laugh "It's fine addi" I told her while shaking my head, then walked over to my bag and start to unpack. "Wow, Its so dark in here" I hear addison whisper, sometime I wonder why I have very good hearing. I roll my eyes "addi not everything has to be pink" I told her while walking to my closet to put up my clothes. Addi turned her head to me fast "you heard that" she asked me. I turned around and looked at her "remember I have very good hearing" I told her then went back to my bag and pulled out my sketchbook. "GIRLS DINNER" I hear missy yell from the kitchen, sighh I set my sketchbook down on my side table. I followed addi out of my room, then closed my door.

When I reached the dinning room I see addi and missy puting plates and cups down on the table. "I made steak with corn and mash potatoes" missy said as I sat down at the table, I smiled at her. "Thank you aunt missy, I love steak"I said(Sorry if you don't eat meat) I put my hands and head in a praying stants. "Thank you for this food, Please take care of my parents from me, amen" I whispered, then looked back up to see them looking at me. "Sorry" I told them, are they judging me. "No need to be sorry Y/n, you can pray without being scared" dale told me with a smile, I look at addison and missy, and they nodded there head agreeing witn dale.

"Anyway Lets all eat y/n has a big day tomorrow" Aunt missy said, ah yes my first day at seabrook high. We all grab our silverware and start eating the food aunt missy prepared for me. We all finished our food in 30 minutes, so we could get ready for bed. I picked up all the plates,silverware and cups to bring them to the kitchen so I could wash them. As I was washing them I see missy walking to me. "Y/n you dont have to do them, I could have" She told me as she started to dry the ones I washed so they could be put up. "I know, but I wanted to help beacause you are leting me stay here"I told her as I washed the lasted dish. I heard missy sigh, then she put the towel down and walked to me. She wrapped her arms round me pulling mr into a hug. "Y/n you dont have to do this to show your great full" she told me, I could tell she was upset. She let me go, after she sighed she walked to her bedroom. I followed her lead and went to my room and got ready for bed. I layed down on my bed thinking about those glowing eyes. After awhile I slowly fell asleep.

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