Im his what?

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👆here the kitchen I forgot to add it
Y/n Pov
It's all been a day sense I left seabrook, I wasn't even there two day before I left. I was siting on my bed trying to figure out why I had a connection with him. I got up from my bed and walked to the kitchen and see a note.

Sorry that we had to leave while you were sleepin we had a emergency back in new orleans. We love you Y/n please contact us again heres our numbers.
Klaus - *** *** ****
Rebekah- *** *** ***
Elijah- *** *** ***
Kol- *** *** ***
Hayley- *** *** ****
Ps- we got you a new phone, your're like my child Y/n and yes I will be your second father
Love you my dear

Love klaus

W-what did he mean yes he would be my second father, I-I crap did I really ask. I look around the house and see jay asleep on the couch in the living room. I walk up to him and shake him awake. He opens his eye and looks at me "what y/n" he asked with a deep sleepy voice. I couldn't stop the blush from showing on my face. "Umm.... what happened last night" I asked him then looked away from him. He chuckles and sits up "you want to tell you, ok story time" he said once he was completely up.

"No problem y/n you deserved for everything you did for us, you're part of the family" klaus said with a smile. After awhile of me crying we get up from the floor and walk back to the kitchen. I set the house keys and the car key on the counter. Then I look up and see kol with wine and a big smile. He grabs a glass and fills it up with wine then hands it to me "Why are you giving this to me kol" I asked while looking at the glass. "While with what happen I though you should have some drinks with all of us" kol said and he push the glass in my hands. I look over to klaus unsure if it's okay to drink this. He shook his head yes, so I brought the glass to my mouth and took a sip (Please no drinking until the right age please). I tasted like fruit, I looked at Jay and see him with his own glass. He downed the glass of wine and I couldn't stop the smile from growing on my face. I finshed the glass of wine in my hand and all of a sudden my glass was full again. I finishes that one too then I was full again, this kepted happing for awhile.
I felt like I was about to fall as I walked over to Klaus "K-k-kla-uussssss w-illllllll y–ouuu beeeee myyyyyyyyyyy f-f-f-atherrrrrrrrr" I asked as I fell to the ground and every thing went black

Flashback ends

"Oh my" I said as I leaned back on the couch in the living room. Jay gets up from the couch and walked to the front door "I have to go, I got work tomorrow" he then he grabbed his keys and left the house leaving me alone. I got up and walked to the front door and locked it, then I walked over to the kitchen. Where the letter was and see a box by it, I grabbed the box and see it's a phone box.

I opened it and see a iphone 13 with a cute wolf case, I turned it on and opened the contact app

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I opened it and see a iphone 13 with a cute wolf case, I turned it on and opened the contact app. I pressed the add contact button and added all of there numbers in the phone and texted them Hi It's Y/n. Then I grabbed my old phone and pull addisons number in and texted her. Hey it y/n sorry for leaving if you want I can come over and get you and bring you over to my house for a bit. Then I set the phone down and walked over to the fridge and opened it to see a whole bunch of food. I see some strawberries and grabbed them, I walk over to the sink and washed the strawberrys with warm water. To clean then then I grabbed a bowl and put some of the strawberry in the bowl. After I did that I put the rest in the fridge and walked to the living room with my bowl of strawberries and my phone. And sat down on the couch, I see a note with some money.

Dear Y/n
This money is for some gas for your car and other things too
Love your bestie westy Jay

What the fuck this is 3 thousand dollars, Jay and his money, but I do thank him. I opened my phone and texted Jay thank youuuuu<3. After I hit send I saw I had a texted from addison, so I opened it. Umm sure cuz? Your house since when did you have one.... I chuckled at her texted only if she new. So I texed her back .. I will explain when I pick you up and bring you to my house but you should pack some clothes and snacks, Cause I will take you too school tomorrow. After I sent the texted I ate my strawberries, once I finished them I put the money in my pocket. Then I walked to the kitchen and put the bowl in the sink, I will wash it when I get back. I run to my room and looked in the closet to fine it full of clothes, I should have known at this point. I walked in to the closet and grabbed a cute hoodie that has ears on top along with a skirt and some heeled boots. Once I got changed I walked over to my side table and grabbed my wallet. Then I hurryed back to my old pants and grabbed all of the money and put it into my wallet.

 Then I hurryed back to my old pants and grabbed all of the money and put it into my wallet

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I then got a texted from Jay saying look in the book called moonstone wolves. So I walk over to the book room and pulled the book rebekah pulled last time. Then the boor opened and I walked in. I looked around and saw that the books were in alphabetical order, so I walked over to the books that start with M and saw the book I was looking for. I see a bookmark in side the book and a note remember when you said you felt a concetion with that wolf well heres your answer.

With that I looked at the chapter's name it's called mates, well that interesting. Started looking though the page and saw a part highlighted Moonstone werewolves each have mates that they love. Each mate would feel a connection to there mate once the make eye contact. Once they meet there mate they can not be with another. The wolves tend to stay loyal to there mate. Even if there rejected, but most of the time there not rejected. And after some time away from there mate they will feel intense pain. The mates would not to anything to hurt there mate physically or emotionally.

Im his mate ???? No that can't be right, the book said that they won't hurt there mate physically or emotionally. But her did both of those thing, I put the book back in its place and ran out of the library. I closed the door and ran to the kitchen and grabbed my keys, I see both pairs and attached them both together. And ran to the garage door, I opened the door and walked in and closed the door behind me. I walked over to my car and unlocked in and got inside the car, then closed the door behind me. I looked up and see a garage opener on my dashboard, i press the buttion and the garage door opened. I started to car and drove out of the garage with the door closing behind me.

His mate (Wyatt lykensen x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now