She's gone

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(before she and jay leave)
Wyatts POV

We walked into the library and saw a bag that looks very familiar and has a sketchbook open. We walk up to It and I notice its my mate's bag and sketchbook, we all look at the sketchbook and see our moonstone. "What?" I ended up saying without meaning too, I turn and look at willa. Willa's look on her face, shows hatred "I known I shouldn't have trusted humans" willa said as she looked back at me. Then we all here foot steps "Hey,hey" my lovely mate said as she walked over to the table and snached her sketchbook from williams hands. Willa looked at my mate with hatred "Did you draw that?" she asked, with a deadly face. "y-yes" my mate saidas she tried to walk away, I felt willa command me to stop her. so I moved behind her to stop her from leaving. I also wrapped my arms around her so she could face willa but couldn't leave. Then william came up to my mate and snactch my mates sketchbook from her. "Where did you see it" willa demanded my mate in her alpha voice, I could see my mate eyes go cloudy. I got lost looking at her that I didn't notice that she snaps ot of what ever she was in. She stomped on my feet, which caused me to let her go. She runs over to her bag and grabbes, then runs out of the library. I wanted to follow her but I couldn't or willa will be mad at me. I turn to look at william and see he's still holding my mates sketchbook. I walk over to him and get a closer look at the drawing and see some notes. That said what is this stone from my dream and why did they take it?. "Willa, look" I said as I pointed at the note. Willa walks over to me and willam, she then looks at the note. The look on her face showed realization. What have we done to my mate, all of a sudden I fell to my knees and crys out. "What is this pain" I asked as tears run down my face, realization hit me, she's thinking about leave. I get up from the ground and run out of the libary, all the way to her house and see her with some male. They both get in the car and starts to drive down the road, I follow them and see they go passed the school. They speed up as the school bell rings to show that school has ended. I follow them all the way to a sign that said GOODBYE SEABROOK. I fell down to my knees and cry out. I stayed like that until it got dark, then I got up and walked back to the den and see willa waiting. I walk up to her trying not to cry again "y-yes" I asked with my voice cracking. "Look, im sorry for what I did to your mate" Willa apologised, I looked at her with anger. "Sorry?, SORRY MY MATE LEFT BECAUSE OF THIS WILLA, MY WILL TO LIVE, YOU KNOW I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG, WE KNOW SHE HUMAN AND YOU SAID I COULD BE WITH HER, THE YOU DO SHIT LIKE AT, NOW YOU SAY SORRY I JUST LOST MY MATE" I stared saying then ened up yelling out, all of my anger, sadness came out. I saw willa heart break thought her as I stopped yelling. She went to say something but I just walked away from her and went to my room. Once I was in my from I went to my bed and layed down. I started crying think I would never see her again. With what all has happened today I started to fall asleep, then everything went black.

Willa POV
I watch as wyatt walk to his room and I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face. Then I hear someone walk in so I hurried and wiped my face. I looked to see who it was and saw william and wynter holding hands. "Hey willa" wynter said as she let go of williams hand and walked up to me. She gave me a hug "Is what we hear true, that wyatt founds his mate, who happens to be the girl with the moonstone drawing" she asked me and all I could do was nod my head yes. Man I failed my brother and my pack, maybe my brother should have been the alpha. Now that I think about it why did I lose it on his mate after I accepted her. She was a good person, she didn't even scream at us. Im so bad, wait what if I find his mate y/n. I walk to the den and run to the gate of the forest. I follow her lingering scent all the way to a restaurant I think, that was called steakhouse. Then her scent was gone I could tell that she left awhile go, but I should have still smelled her scent in less she blocking her scnt with others. Fuck, I run back to seabrock. But I didn't run the the forest I run over to Addison's house. I went to addison's window and knocked. She opened her window and looked down at me "hello willa, what can I do for you" she sked me. Not going to lie she looked like she died "ummm, do you know where y/n went" I asked her trying to be kind. The look on addison's face showed hatred "no but she left me a letter" she said angrily and slamed the window closed. I look at the window for a moment before running back to the forest. When I arrive back to the den I see william siting by then entrance. "Whered you go" he asked as I walked by him, I stopped walking and looked at him. "I tried to find Y/n" I told he then I walked to my room and layed down on the bed. I started tot think about what I did, and before I knew it I was falling asleep.

His mate (Wyatt lykensen x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now