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Jake's dog, Oreo is in this. everyone  brought there dogs. also there is a lot of POV changes.
(this is happy)

Luke's POV:

     Maylee is laying on my bed with her toy, her tail wagging. she knows where we're going. my grandparents are at the green house to get some new flowers for the yard. the club and I have been trying to plan a hangout at the park for quite a while, but something always got in the way. now that the competition (that we won btw) is over, we don't have to rehearse all the time and we have more time for ourselves.
     I take the toy from Maylee and grab her leash and harness. i don't use collars as a leash connector. I don't want to choke her, as she can't heel. Maylee gets super wiggly. she loves walks. I grab my bag with supplies and we're off.

Zander's POV:

     Hailey wakes up late, per usual. I have already fed Anglefish and gotten her outside by the time she was even eating breakfast. Angle comes back when I call her so I can get her gear on. it's hot out today. i've already prepared myself for a meltdown. I choose her lightweight vest and add her guide handle after. (fact! guide handles can be used for stability, blindness, or even for a dog to guide someone to a safe place during a meltdown!) I put her patches on and her traffic leash and we are ready... Hailey is still getting dressed.

Hailey's POV:

     I woke up late again, but this time to 17 calls from Zander. I run down stairs to eat breakfast. he already has Angle outside. as soon as I go shower I hear him taking down her gear. I start laughing. I know when I come back downstairs, he's gonna be sitting on the floor with Angle, both of them ready, glaring at me. I take a quick shower, and get dressed. Zander told me it will be hot, so I don't bother putting on leggings under my shorts.
     I run down stairs and I see Zander and Anglefish sitting together while mum and dad play apple music on the TV. apple music... cant even get spotify smh. Zander gets up and "calls Angle to a heel" I think? idk. that's just what he says when he talks about it- anyways. here we go.

Jake's POV:

     I am finally going to a hangout with the club, *without* having to worry about my other friends. they asked if Oreo is friendly, and asked me to bring her. I know Luke has a dog- but they said "the other dogS" plural in their text about it needing to be calm. I have NO idea who has the other dog. (in this, Zander is still preparing himself to bring Anglefish into school, so Jake hasn't met her or even heard about her yet)
     I'm dressed and ready, so I grab Oreo's leash. I clip it to her collar and I call Hailey. she answers.

hailey: "hey Jake! whats up?"

me: "are you guys already on your way?"

Hailey: "yep! halfway there. are you there?"

me: "no! i'm leaving now. I was just wondering."

hailey: "alrighty! see ya!"

me: "bye"

     as soon as the call cuts, we leave.

Sean's POV:

     I had a sleepover with Milly last night. we were at her house. I got to meet her birds too! anyways, we got ready and had breakfast. Hailey told us that Luke and Jake are bringing their dogs! wait- Luke hasn't met Zander's dog yet- I laugh. this is going to be great.

Milly's POV:

     Me and Sean had the BEST sleepover last night! we played with my birds and made fun of the barbie movies. now I get to see Anglefish and Maylee AND meet Oreo! this is gonna be GREAT!

Luke's POV:

I get to the park at the same time Hailey and Zander do. I hug Zander and smile at Angle. she already seems to be on high alert. Hailey and I start talking about school while Zander gets some water for our dogs. he sets it on the ground and watches them drink. as soon as they are done, Jake walks up with his dog.
     I don't think he sees Anglefish yet- she's kinda tucked away behind Maylee... whatever! He walks over and greets us in a happy manner. we say hi to Oreo. when I move, Maylee moves, when Maylee moves, Angle is visible. Jake freaks out. not like- crazy freaks out. more like a "I DIDNT KNOW YOU GUYS HAD A DOG" kinda freak out. Angle gets distracted as soon as Zander starts bouncing his leg, which she is supposed to alert to. she gets back on track though.
     Jake reads her vest and apologizes. we laugh while Zander gives Angle a treat for her tasking.

Sean's POV:

     Milly and I walk up on Luke, Zander, Hailey, and Jake talking. Milly gets excited to see the dogs and pets Oreo and Maylee. she smiles at Angle. I walk over and say hi to the people, then to the dogs. minus Anglefish of course.
     we talk for a bit, then we start walking.

Zander's POV:

     Jake just found out about Anglefish. i forgot he didn't know about her tbh... her focus has been really good today. she's barely getting distracted... besides the incident with Jake- but whatever! she recovered ig...
     I start scratching my hand and as soon as I do, Angle stops it. I hear jake ask Hailey what she was doing. Hailey explained service dogs pretty well. I guess he knew they existed, just not what- they were? idk....
we get to a shady place and Luke and I let our dogs off their leashes to go play. Jake is hesitant for some reason. everyone tells him to let Oreo off the leash. (nothing bad happens I swear) he does. Oreo turns out to be a socially awkward dog. she kinda just stands there while Maylee and Angle play. Maylee tries to get Oreo to play, and she does- kinda?

*few hours later*

Anglefish had gone back and forth between playing and tasking, and after a few hours it was time to leave. the whole club was staying at our house tonight.

I will probably keep writing this 👍

1059 words

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