pros and cons of the "jomies" or whatever tf ☹️ and the club 😍

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pros, "Jomies":

- saved Jake from being bullied
- were decent friends in freshman year

pros, club:

- were actually good, honest friends
- boundaries were set
- they have actually good taste in clothing
- diverse group of friends
- gave Jake a chance after he bullied them
- trusted Jake and let him in
-silly 🤪😍

cons, "jomies":

- Drew bought Jake stuff to impress him
- bullies 😨
- boring outfits
- bad humour
- weird
- not silly
- made passive agressive comments to Zander in ep 5 I think it was.
- not very diverse group
- I dont like them so that is a con
- red flags EVERYWHERE 🚩
- toxic

cons, club:

- Zander has trust issues and abandonment issues, but that ain't his fault
- Hailey has anxiety but that ain't her fault
- Milly has violence issues. only partially her fault
- Sean is.... he's fine. just a little depressed
- Luke is a little protective, but I don't blame him

Drew specifically con:

Drew specifically con:

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