hot takes

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jake's "friends" aren't depressed.

Jake doesnt have clinical depression. he's just in a rough time

the music club isn't at fault

Zander isn't the bad guy (where did that even come from/gen)

hailey isn't overrated. shes a good character. if anyone is overrated, by now it's Drew

idc what anyone says I have a burning hatred for Drew cuz he would probably make jokes about the autistic people at school. he acts like the people who do it at my school.

barely any of the characters have clinical depression. some of them have serious mental issues, but like maybe two of them are actually depressed (all of the time. not just sad cuz of an event)

🫶🫶 you don't have to agree, and I will keep defending the club cuz bullies don't deserve all the praise they get.

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