Zander neurodivergent hcs

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zander is a silly neurodivergent guy. very good hc

he isn't the "picky" kind of autistic because he has pica so he eats almost anything.

he has ADHD and autism comorbid

semi verbal ☝️

doesnt like being touched unless its a certain one person that we all know

is paranoid that the school will get shot up (i am also like this because of my overthinking which is one of my traits)

scared of spiders cuz his brain tells him that if it gets on him it will get in his skin

anorexia warning:

forgot to eat for a while after hyperfixating on dogs, then realized how much weight he lost and developed ana (same my friend)

warning over

special interests:

-the colour purple
-classical music

frequent hyperfixations:

-his special interests (obviously)
-singular classical pieces
-singular dog breeds
-china and south korea

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