pt. 2

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there is a little teenager sex jokes in this. cuz they are teens.

Jake's POV:

My mom came to pick up Oreo and go home. the rest of the club and I are staying at Hailey and Zander's today. I think Maylee, Luke's dog, is staying over too. I think Maylee and Anglefish are friends.

time skip- 30 minutes

Mr. Austin came in his van to pick us up from the park. Hailey had called him to pick us up cuz "ZANDER cant walk anymore 🙄" in Hailey's words. he passed out. anyways. we all got in the car. Anglefish was laying on Zander's lap trying to stop him from passing out AGAIN 💀 (real talk this is such a me thing. at a club feild trip I passed out like 8 times 💗) Maylee was laying in the isle.

time skip- 10 minutes

Hailey's POV:

We got out of the car and Luke was helping Zander walk in and sit down. he passed out AGAIN. anyways- mum and dad were cooking together. im so glad that mum is cooking. dad can't cook for the life of anyone here. Maylee and Angle went outside for a bit and when they came back in, we watched the princess bride and then, by demand of the GAYS the breakfast club (best movie. also I totally think Hailey makes fun of Zander like this. just absolutely slandering him. also I hc her as bisexual. she's not being homophobic 💀) Zander sent Angle to grab his current book for him cuz he would pass out AGAIN 🙄 if he stood up.

time skip: 45 minutes

Mum and Dad finished dinner. we are eating in the family room cuz SOMEONE passed out again. we are having spring rolls and Mapo tofu. Authentic Chinese food is actually so good. thanks to my dad for marring a woman from Hong Kong ig 🫶 love you mum, and ur cooking 🙀💥💥

time skip- 1.5 hours

Luke's POV:

     Milly just suggested we play truth or dare. Mr. and Mrs. Austin have went to bed by now, so there is nobody here to stop us. Zander didn't wanna play till I convinced him.

5 min later

     Milly dared Zander to show us the weirdest thing he has in his bag. I already think I know what it is.

     I was right. the pink condom. one of our GSA friends gave it to him on a bus and he just kept it.

Milly's POV:

     I am CRYING over the pink condom. I asked why it is pink and Zander just said "gotta make sure it's there right?" and I can't breath. idk what's going on, or how he ended up with a PINK condom, but I don't put it past him to have that. Hailey is also crying laughing. Jake and Sean look hella confused and Luke and Zander are laughing. I bet they both know what it's about.

zander: "okay okay! lemme explain myself! we were on a GSA trip and when we were on the drive back, someone handed it to me and I kept it 😭!" (real talk this happened to me. I was handed a pink condom 💀)

I CANT with this 😭

1.5 hours later

Hailey's POV:

     we are all getting ready to go to bed. Luke and Zander are already sleeping. GAYS 🙄. anyways. The rest of the club is getting ready for bed. the dogs are asleep....

tbc 🙀

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