oh my lord. what the fuck

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talking like Zander's dad didn't storm out of the house, leaving his mom on the floor, AND THE KID WATCHED IT ALL

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talking like Zander's dad didn't storm out of the house, leaving his mom on the floor, AND THE KID WATCHED IT ALL. THATS TRAUMATIZING. the beginning of the comment said "the club doesn't have trust issues for valid reasons. jake does" JAKE DOES NOT HAVE TRUST ISSUES, AND IF BEING BULLIED AND YOUR DAD FUCKING LEAVING ISNT VALID THEN WTF IS? i know i'm going crazy rn, but oml I hate this fandom. the commenter literally directly said that zander's trust issues are not valid and he needs to get over it because Jake has it so much worse. istml im gonna kay em ess.

satan save me cuz I'm about to do some stupid shit.

the video on the top is the video btw

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