Jake the typa guy to

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Jake the typa guy to....

take a pink bubble bath with a shower cap

float to the kitchen when there is something being cooked that smells particularly good

say "scrub a dub dub" while doing the dishes

have birds fly around his head when he falls, gets hit, or gets dizzy

say "hey wise guy, what the big idea?!"

say "why I oughta" before saying the most vile shit he thinks he should do

have Zs float around while he sleeps

say me me me me me when he snores

have the "subject" box above the "
message" box when he texts

say "yourrrr... gonna wanna see this" when something crazy happens

say "now a silly one" when taking group pictures

be laughing with his friends and say "haha... I needed this...:)"

have smoke come out of his ears when he mad

go up to a shooter and say "this isn't you"

clap when a plane lands or a movie ends and the theater

say "om nom nom" while eating

pause midair when falling off a cliff

stay in one spot before actually moving when he tries to run away

will be updated

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