Chapter 17

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(Back to the present, at the club, where Mr Stark wanted to talk to Mr Kendrick)

“Okay, I can stay a few minutes, but I’m having crisis in here, so I’m meeting someone. I can spare a few minutes, until he gets here,” Liam says closing the close to his office. I round the table to sit down on his chair. He doesn’t object to that and instead plants his ass on the side of the table, one leg probed up.

“What if I told you I had a crush on you?” I blurted. Liam blinks for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.

“Motherfucker don’t play with me like that,” he said shaking his head. “Start talking before I have to go,”

“Okay,” I said my mind taking me back to Miles. Fuck, he looks good in all black. An outfit so simple had managed to rile me up. “I know you probably don’t know this, but I’m asking because you were once dating, you know,” I began. “When does sex feel different?” a few seconds pass, bleeding into a minute and I finally look up at Liam. He’s watching me. No, he’s scrutinizing me. No evident of a smile. No laughing whatsoever and I’m guessing he knows how dire the situation is.

“I might need an elaboration,” he said. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“You want me to tell you how the sex was?” I frowned. “Because that’s not what we do,”

“No, you fucking dumbass. Tell me what led to the question. What changed?” he inquired.

I pushed the folder on the table to the side and face planted on the cold wood, sighing. “Damn, if you’re acting like that, I might just conclude you’re pussy-whipped,” Liam says chuckling lowly.

“I think I might be pussy-whipped,” my cock twitched on cue, as my mind replayed the way Miles’ body reacted to me. How tight his pussy was. How fucking addictive his ass is. I don’t know how many times I’ve jacked off since we last had sex, and it wasn’t a long time. Not for him at least. “Yesterday I called Stella,” I began, sitting upright. “Because obviously she’s my go-to booty call, right? Because she’s the…you know, tolerable one,” Liam snickers under his breath. “Don’t laugh at me. You also have a favourite booty call. Anyways, I call her and normally…things happens, and we go our separate ways, you know,” I paused, mentally slapping myself for the fucking trauma I put myself last night.


“Nothing happened,” I murmured. Liam looks at me, waiting for the punchline. “I couldn’t get it up,” I want to pummel him to the fucking floor when he burst into laughter. “It’s not funny, you shitbag,” I glared at him as he topples to the floor, rolling with laughter. “Hey! That’s not- fuck you,“

“I’m sorry,” Liam wheezed, clutching his stomach. “Oh Jesus,”

“Are you done?” I grumbled under my breath. I shouldn’t have come here.

“Okay, I’m sorry,” he said after minutes of him rolling on the floor, like a child. He wipes the tears on his face. “Sorry. Carry on please,” he said shooting me an innocent smile.

“Your day will come, I can assure you,” I said cussing under my breath.
“It won’t,” he said. “The ladies love me and well…I can get it up anytime of the day,” he said laughing. I shoot him a glare and his laugh turned into a cough. “Right. You were saying?”

“I already embarrassed myself with her, I’m not going to do this with you,” I grumbled.

“I’m sorry, I just…you caught me by surprise,” he defended himself. “No more laughing, okay? I’m done,”

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