An Act Of Desperation

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No rain outside his window just yet, but the clouds were simply waiting for the right moment to bust and let the rain drops fall.
Comparable to his situation.
His downfall had not yet come, but he knew, it wasn't long, till he was gonna drown in his problems.

Streaming was just not his thing anymore and people started to notice. Viewer counts began to decrease contrary to the distance to his friends. The community had started to desolve. He felt now, not just physically, but emotionally alone, too.
He could do no more than sit and wait for the first sunbeams to seeb through the clouds. And those would be you.

Where it started:

Usually he'd be sitting on his desk by now. He'd be streaming, or be on other peoples' streams playing games with them. He'd have thousands of people watching him. Watching his every move. They'd comment  based on things happening right as they're happening.

Not tonight.
Tonight he was sitting on his kitchen table, his arms crossed, head laid back, an empty gaze to the ceiling. He was tired, so damn tired. Tired of the public, tired of people invading his privacy and tired of having to play the same character day by day that he had invented years ago. A character so dull, he had grown bored of it.

He was cutting his online presence short.
Now one aspect, he kept pretending did not exist, was him becoming broke if he wasn't going to find some other source of income.
While he could ask some people for financial help, he wasn't the type of person to do that. He'd feel bad about even getting into the situation.
He could bring out new merch, but that wasn't very fair to his fans if he was gonna leave them shortly after anyways.

He would need a new job, a (for now) side job. That was for sure.
He wasn't sure, what would even suit him. He has always been a passionate writer, but writing books? Nah, he could cross that from the imaginary list in his head immediately. He had always preferred to be able to do his work all on his own. If so, it was one of the rare moments, that gave him the chance to forget all his worries and problems for a second. But he knew, he would feel lonely sitting at home all day and night writing. He'd forget everything around him. Sometimes, that was just what he needed, but not as his job. A journalist, maybe? That's more like it! He'd hit up a few companys and with just a little luck, one of them would offer him a job. It's not like he didn't have hundreds of pages of stories and poems and songs to send as examples of his great writing skills.
Besides, it won't do no bad to mention his already existing popularity on the internet. Additional advertising point for whatever place would order and publish his articles.

He got up and walked over to his fridge. He grabbed the milk for the coffee he was about to make for himself. Without one, he wasn't gonna be able to stay up much longer. He was desperate for sleep. But if he didn't write the application soon, he was gonna back up again and force himself to stream, even if it was purely straining and more of an act then it was actually enjoyable. He'd have another mental breakdown not much later. The impatient humming of the coffee machine as it heats up the water, originally so very annoying, had become a very comforting sound to him. Lastly he put in a little less than half a tea spoon of sugar and tada- the coffee just as he likes it.

He sat back down with it and opened his laptop. Within just a few minutes, he had found three companies he could apply to. None of them were too far away, easily reachable in less than an hour with the bus and far less if he took his car.
Now to the actual applications. He hadn't needed to do that in a long while.
The clicking of the keys sounded clear and loud in the otherwise completely silent room. Wil was almost hyperfocused on writing. Any unnecessary sound would have disturbed that. He forgot everything around him when he was concentrated. That, he noticed once again, as he took a sip of coffee. It was surprisingly cold, not undrinkable but definitely not as good as it would be hot.

An exhausted sigh left his mouth.
If this was gonna work, how was he gonna tell his community? Or his friends? They'd understand, right? Would he just go live for the last time as soon as he's got the job and say "Hey chat, just letting you know real quick, I'm quitting. 'Twas great, but y' know. I would appreciate it very much if you all could just forget I ever happened?".
Surely not. He had no idea if he was gonna go with a bang or silently leave through the back door and pretend he never even had a twitch account.
So much to think through, really.
This was gonna be a long night...


Authors note:
I've put a lot of work into this story. It was actually my first fanfic and I'm quite happy with how it turned out.
If you happen to like what I write, I'd really appreciate a vote on this or the following chapters. If you see any typos, you can let me know.
Have fun with the story

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