Chapter One

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Happy reading!
You have power over your mind- not outside events.
Realize this you will find strength.
-  Marcus Aurelius

Noor- (Light)

"Baba Jaan, I know you think it's good for me to stay in this palace because of all the luxuries I can get here, but please try to understand my point of view." It's been literally two hours approximately, since I am trying to explain the fact to my father that I need to go back to the city.

"Noor, enough is enough! I know you want to go back to the city and until now I have never had any objection to that, but I cannot let you live their alone now. Before you used to live with Amma jaan, but she is no more. So, you need to understand this." Alas! He is stubborn just like that but if he is like that then I am also full of stubbornness. Guess I inherited this from him.

"But baba, I do not like living here. I feel trapped behind these walls. I mean I can't seriously roam around here, or do anything according to my own will. Also keeping the fact in mind that I have to be careful as you are the vizier of the king here. Like seriously this no less than a prison to me!" Huffing I turned away from him, clenching my hands.

"Noor, I don't want to hear anything else now. I don't really see any problem for you to live here. You will be under my care, and have everything you need. And you are wrong, no one is going to stop you from doing anything you want to do here unless it's something mischievous, and I believe you are quite sensible now to know what's the right thing to do. I don't want to have any more of this conversation again, stop acting like a child."

Ok, he is getting angry now, I think it's better I stop infuriating him more, before he decides to do something worse to me. But I won't accept my defeat verbally, so I just stay quiet looking down at my simple bottle green gown.

"It's better if you understand this Noor Jaan, that I am saying all this because I care for you. I am sure you won't be facing any problems here." His voice softened this time, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" As soon as baba said this a royal guard entered and bowed his head a little .

"Vizier Suleman, Sultan has called out a meeting in the court room and expects your presence."

"Alright, I will be there in a while." The guard left soon after, closing the door behind.

"You can go to your chamber Noor which you will be sharing with your cousin sister Fatima. I will see you soon." Saying this baba patted my head and left.

Sighing, I looked up deciding what should I do now. There was literally no use of venting out so much of my energy on this conversation with baba. I literally thought he would accept my plea but he did not.

Tucking an annoying loose strand behind my ear I stepped out of Baba's chamber into a long hallway. There are literally so many people and guards wandering here and there, all around and inside the palace, it's actually irritating.
Walking around, I try to find my way to my so called 'chamber' that I am supposed to be sharing with Fatima. It's been literally a long while, last I came to the palace.

I remember I was very young before my teenage when I lived here with Baba. My grandmother, didn't like living here in the palace as she loved her house in the city.
When my grandfather passed away, she still didn't agree to come here, so baba sent me to the city to live with her. I really didn't know that I would fall in love with the city so much that I wouldn't like coming back to the palace.

I often visited baba here but most of the times it was baba who used to visit us in the city. After my grandmother passed away last month, I literally have no one in the city anymore, I know baba's reason for keeping me here is justified, but I can't help but explain my reasons of loving the city.

This was the reason I was dreading to come to the palace, I knew this was going to happen. Now I am supposed to dress up nicely like a doll, act maturely and sensibly, and just like that I will be married to a perfect suitor who will be someone important on the higher ranks and loyal to the king.

Rolling my eyes, I turned to another hallway, looking around, lost in my thoughts. I think it will take me a year to look around the palace, since it's so big. Literally so much money would have been spent to construct a masterpiece like this, I wondered looking at the enormous chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

I don't even know where I am going and where I am supposed to go and I feel so tired because of travelling all the way from the city to the palace. Just then someone bumped into me.

"Hey, can't you see where you're going". Rubbing my forehead, I retorted.

"I am sorry, but I think it's you who bumped into me." I heard a girlish voice.

Looking up I was about to answer but then I realized it was Fatima.

"Fatima?!" She furrowed her eyebrows looking at me from head to toe.
I knew she was literally judging me from my clothes, since I wasn't wearing  very expensive and royal gown like hers. Suddenly, a sense of annoyance hit me. It's not like I can't afford to wear all that jewelry and stuff she is wearing. My father is literally the vizier her. I just don't like getting all dolled up, faking my personality and looking all pretty for people to find me attractive.

"I am sorry? Do I know you? " Seriously I think this girl's got a short memory. I literally met her a month ago at Grandma's funeral. Still faking a smile, I put my hand forward for her to shake.

"Of course, don't tell me you don't recognize me. I am Noor, your cousin." And just like that her eyes widened in recognition as always.

"Oh Noor!! How are you doing, I literally forgot Suleiman uncle told me yesterday that you were arriving today. We are supposed to share the chamber" she said with fake sweetness, shaking my hand.

I could tell she didn't like the idea of sharing her chamber with me. Still, I don't care, it's not like I am dying to stay with her. I know she always had a little animosity towards me since my father was vizier.

"Yeah, Baba told me. I was actually looking for our chamber but couldn't find it. Would you mind showing me the way?" I said raising my eyebrows a little.

"Of course, let's go." She said motioning towards the hallway. I followed her wanting nothing but to just go, hit the bed and sleep for hours.

This was the first chapter; I hope you like it.
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