Chapter Thirteen

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And sometimes

you could be drowning

in the ocean of emotions

but still can't feel anything.

-Romaisa Yasmin

I stood there, frozen, as Baba's words hung in the air like a heavy mist. "Noor, the Sultan has chosen you to be his Malika," he repeated, the weight of the revelation sinking in.

I blinked, my mind struggling to process the information. "Is this some kind of joke, Baba?" I stammered, a nervous laugh escaping me. "I mean, come on, you're kidding, right?"

Baba's expression remained serious, devoid of any jest. "No, Noor, it's not a joke. It's true."

The room seemed to close in on me. "But... but you wouldn't force me to marry the Sultan, would you?" I asked, my voice shaky, my eyes searching Baba's face for any sign of jest.

Baba hesitated, his eyes briefly averting mine before meeting them again. "Noor, it's an honor for us. The Sultan asked so pleasantly. It's a chance for you to serve the kingdom and make us proud. Think about it, habibti."

I felt anger bubbling within me. "An honor? Baba, I can't believe you're even considering this. Marrying someone I don't even know? This is not my choice, Baba. I won't do it!"

Baba sighed, his tone softening. "Noor, please understand. This is not just any proposal; it's the Sultan. It's about our standing in the kingdom, our alliances, our future. It's more significant than just personal choice."

Anger twisted my features. "So, you're saying my life and my happiness are less important than some political alliance? I won't let you make such decisions for me!"

Baba placed a hand on my shoulder, his eyes pleading. "Noor, listen. Refusing the Sultan's proposal could strain our relations, even jeopardize the kingdom. I can't let that happen."

The weight of his words hit me like a punch to the gut. "So, you'd sacrifice my happiness for your political alliances?" My voice wavered between disbelief and disappointment.

Baba's eyes softened, his voice tinged with regret. "Noor, it's not that simple. I want what's best for you and the kingdom. The Sultan is a good man; he respects you. I couldn't say no without consequences."

I shook my head, tears welling up. "I won't be a pawn in some political game, Baba. I won't let you sacrifice my life for your ambitions."

Baba sighed, his gaze filled with conflict. "Noor, please, think about it. It's not just my decision; it's for the kingdom, for our people."

"I don't care, Baba. I won't do it," I declared, my voice firm despite the turmoil within. "I won't be forced into a marriage, not by you, not by anyone."

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