Chapter Twenty One

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Happy reading!

"Isn't it strange? How people can change"


The morning sunlight gently streamed into the chamber, waking me up to the quiet emptiness. The sheets on Burhan's makeshift bed were neatly arranged, but he was nowhere to be seen. Confused, I sat up, glancing around the room.

A soft knock announced the entrance of the maids. They entered with a practiced grace, their presence a brief respite from the solitude that enveloped the room.

"Good morning, Malika Noor," greeted one of the maids, her tone respectful.

I returned the greeting, my curiosity evident. "Where is Burhan?"

"He has already left for his duties as the Sultan," answered another maid. "He instructed us to prepare breakfast for you."

I nodded, still processing the sudden change in our morning routine. "Thank you."

After freshening up, I found myself in the dining area, greeted by a feast fit for royalty. The maids, efficient as always, stood ready to serve. The aroma of the delicacies teased my senses, momentarily distracting me from the unfolding peculiarities of my new life.

As I indulged in the delectable spread, I couldn't resist inquiring about Amna and Aminah, my previous helpers. The maids exchanged a glance before one of them spoke up.

"Malika, Amna and Aminah are no longer assigned to assist you," she informed me gently.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and a sense of unease settled in. "Why? What happened?"

The maids hesitated for a moment, exchanging another subtle glance. "We were instructed to make the changes, Malika. Perhaps you can discuss it with the Sultan."

Determined to address the matter, I decided to approach Burhan about this change. With my breakfast finished, I asked the maids about Burhan's whereabouts.

"He is in a hall, attending to his responsibilities as the Sultan," one of the maids replied.

I nodded, determination settling in. "Take me to him."

The maids guided me down the palace halls to a big room. When the doors swung open, I spotted Burhan deep in talk with other palace folks. The guards, standing a bit away, gave a nod to acknowledge me.

Burhan, clad in regal attire, carried himself with a commanding presence. His posture exuded authority, and the way he engaged with the palace officials showcased a keen understanding of governance.

He stood tall, spoke like he owned the joint, and seemed to know a ton about how things run. As he spoke, there was a measured decisiveness in his words, which showed that he was good at leading and making decisions as the Sultan.

I watched from a distance, seeing how being the Sultan made Burhan act all serious. His eyes, usually warm, now held a focused intensity when addressing matters of the kingdom. The people around him seemed to respect his opinions and wanted his take on different matters.

As they kept talking, I realised that Burhan, as the Sultan, knew loads about politics and actually cared about the kingdom and its people. There was an unmistakable wisdom in the way he navigated the discussions, weighing each decision with a sense of responsibility.

At that moment, I saw a side of Burhan that wasn't about our personal issues. As the Sultan, he showed strength, care, and a dedication to making the kingdom better, no matter the issues between us.

Burhan, sensing my arrival, looked up, his eyes meeting mine.I watched him nod towards the officials and excuse himself from the discussion. As he approached me exiting the hall, the guards closed the door of the hall and respectfully withdrew, leaving us alone outside the hall.

"Well, well, if it isn't my gracious Noor gracing us with her presence," Burhan teased, his eyes dancing with amusement.

I rolled my eyes, annoyance evident. "Don't get too excited. You weren't in the chamber when I woke up."

Burhan chuckled, "Ah, but a Sultan needs to attend to his duties. Did you miss me?"

"In your dreams," I retorted, unamused.

His smile widened, and he continued to playfully prod, "Oh, come on. Admit it; the palace is not the same without me."

I sighed, "Let's not pretend this is a grand reunion. I need to talk to you about something important."

His teasing expression softened, "Alright, serious Noor. What do you need?"

"I want Amna and Aminah back as my helpers," I stated firmly.

Burhan's gaze lingered on me, a playful glint in his eyes. "Ah, making demands already? What will you give me in return if I agree?"

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

Burhan nodded, "What I mean is that consider it done. But, since I'm being so generous, what if I asked for a little something in return?"

I raised an eyebrow in annoyance, waiting for him to continue.

He grinned, "Just playing with you, Noor. You can have your helpers back."

"Good," I said, not in the mood for his antics.

"Ok then, go on, enjoy your day. I have matters to attend to. Will see you in the evening." Burhan spoke as we saw a palace official coming towards us.

He also signalled to the guards to arrange the reassignment, of Amna and Aminah.

As Burhan excused himself, returning to the palace officials, I moved towards the palace's grand kitchen where I was sure I would find Amna and Aminah.

In the bustling kitchen, the aroma of spices and sizzling delicacies filled the air. Amna and Aminah were busy coordinating the preparation of a sumptuous lunch for the palace. As soon as they noticed me, their faces lit up with surprise and joy.

"Noor! You're here!" Amna exclaimed, wiping her hands on her apron. Aminah, equally delighted, joined in the greeting.

"It's been too long. We missed you," Aminah added, her warm smile making me feel good and comfortable.

"I missed you both too," I admitted, feeling a sense of familiarity and comfort in their presence. "But why were you reassigned? Do you know anything about it?"

Amna exchanged a knowing glance with Aminah before responding, "It's the Sultan's decision. We were told that new arrangements were made, and we're now assisting in the kitchen."

I sighed, frustration creeping in. "I don't understand why he would make such changes without consulting me. I need you both back as my helpers."

They both stared at me in confusion. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on. I asked your sultan. He said you both are reassigned and now are going to be with me."

"Really?!" They let out excitedly. I just shook my head at them smiling,

"Yeah, really. Now come let's go."

Amna and Aminah joined me after leaving the busy kitchen. Walking through the palace, I felt happy being with my old helpers again. We chatted and laughed, making the cold palace walls seem warmer.

Back in my chamber, everything felt different with Amna and Aminah around. They got to work quickly, making the room feel familiar again. As they chatted and worked, the tension from Burhan's decisions started to fade, replaced by the comfort of having my friends by my side.


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Also guys would you like to see how I imagine Burhan and Noor? If yes let me know in the comments, i would post his picture on my profile.

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