Chapter Four

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In the palace's embrace, a hidden path I tread,
Where bows and swords intertwine, passion widespread.
As secrets unfold and destinies align,
Our hearts entwined; a love so divine -


Restless and confined within the grand palace walls, I let out a sigh of frustration. Tracing the delicate patterns on the silk curtains with my fingertips, I yearned for the simplicity and freedom I had left behind in the city. As the daughter of the esteemed vizier, I was now bound to this life of privilege, but it felt like a gilded cage, suffocating me honestly.

Boredom gnawed at me relentlessly, and I decided go out and look for something useful to do. As I was walking through the hallways, I suddenly saw a girl whose arm was a little bruised and she was being taken to the royal doctor by another women. I was actually surprised to see the sight and decided to ask them about it.

"Salam, is she alright, how did this happen to her." I asked the elder lady.

"Salam Sayidi, actually she was training at the grounds but fell down. I have told her so many times to be fully concentrated towards her sword while fighting, but as always, she got distracted by an eagle flying and this happened." The lady explained, shaking her head towards the girl, who just awkwardly smiled at me.
"Oh, I see, it's okay, I hope she will be fine. You should take her immediately to the doctor before the bruise worsens." Nodding, both of them quickly left.

Excitement welled up within me as I learned of this training ground for women hidden within the palace walls. Full of determination, I quickened my pace and approached the palace helpers, a glimmer of hope in my voice.

"Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the women's training ground? I've heard there's a place where we can learn archery and sword fighting," I asked eagerly.

The helper, taken aback by my enthusiasm, smiled kindly and pointed me in the right direction. "Go straight down this corridor, take a left, and then it's the second door on your right. You can't miss it," she said.

With a quick "Thank you," I followed her instructions, my heart pounding with anticipation. The halls seemed to stretch endlessly, but I remained determined. Finally, I reached the door that led to the training ground.
The sound of clashing swords and the determined grunts of women grew louder as I neared.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed it open and stepped inside. The sight before me filled me with awe and excitement. Women of all ages and backgrounds were engaged in rigorous training, their dedication evident in every move.

A group of women, their figures clad in training attire, moved with grace and strength. Their eyes glimmered with determination as they skillfully wielded bows and swords, their movements a mesmerizing display of power. I watched from the periphery, my admiration growing with every arrow released and every swing of the sword.

At the forefront stood a woman, draped in a cloak. She gave off an air of authority and wisdom, her every word carrying weight and purpose. She was guiding the aspiring girls, molding them into fierce and capable fighters. The longing to join their ranks, to shed the expectations that weighed upon me, surged within my heart.

Suddenly I noticed a girl who came to me.

"Salam, I am Aliza. I have never seen you here before."

"Salam, I am Noor. Actually, I am new here in the palace. I had nothing useful to do, but then heard a woman talking about this place and came rushing here. I also want to learn all this. Can I?" I explained my situation to her.

" Of course, you are welcome! Come join us!" I smiled gratefully, grateful for the warm welcome, and prepared myself for the training that awaited. Aliza took me to the lady I saw before who was training other girls and explained my situation to her. I got to know her name was Zara. She looked a little strict and her voice was fully authoritative. She told me all about the basics of fighting and I had my first training lesson.

"You are full of determination, I can see." Zara complimented when I released arrows and got them all piercing the point, they were supposed to hit. I just smiled in return.

As I focused on my training, an inexplicable sensation prickled at the nape of my neck. A tingle ran down my spine, and I turned instinctively, searching for the source. There, in the shadowy recesses, stood a familiar silhouette-Burhan. My heart skipped a beat as recognition washed over me. I suddenly remembered the encounter I had with him in the palace gardens just the day before. The intensity of his gaze sent shivers down my spine, and I wondered if he had followed me here or if it was mere coincidence.

I ignored him turning my back on him, but still could feel the tingling sensation of being watched, but I tried to turn my focus back to the world of archery and sword fighting. I turned back a few minutes later but he was nowhere to be see. Shrugging my thoughts about him away, I decided to go back to the palace having enough for the day.

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