Chapter Twenty Two

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Happy reading!

Like rain, I fall


Like water, I flow

Like the Sun, I'll shine

Everything takes time

And I'll be fine

-Dila Agustin

Sitting on the couch, I was having tea, when Burhan suddenly entered the chamber. Honestly, his presence was still unsettling to me even though it's been almost half a month to our marriage. We had almost fallen into a routine. Waking up early, having breakfast after which burhan disappeared into the palace and my day was spent getting bored and wandering around here and there. At night I have dinner by myself or sometimes burhan joined me after which both of us slept. Me on the bed, he on the floor. For some reason I feel like he s giving me the space I told him I needed to accept this reality of my life.

My thoughts were broken when he clears his throat and my cheeks turned beetroot when I realised I was staring at him all this while.

I cough to hide my embarrassment and catch amusement in his eyes.

"What? I wasn't staring." This in return got me a hearty laugh from burhan, embarrassing me further.

"When did I say you were?" He seriously finds peace by teasing me. I just roll my eyes and look away from him, concentrating on the warm beverage in my hand. Idiot.

Unexpectedly Burhan then came and sat beside me on the couch. I watche him from my peripheral view contemplating for some time.

My curiosity piqued as he looked at me. "Noor, I want to talk to you about something." I slightly nodded my head wanting him to continue.

"Noor I know I have brutally betrayed your trust. I have also apologised but I know you have not forgiven me." He looks at me with remorse in his eyes. Seeing my silence he continues.

"I want to Make amends. I know you hate living in the palace. I have arranged a trip for both of us." That gained my interest.

"What? What kind of trip?" He smiled at my attention.

"I have planned that both of us will be going to the northern province. It is mountainous and has forests. I figured you haven't been there, while talking to vizier Suleman." Saying that I was shocked to hear this, would be understandable.

"Are you serious?!" Burhan looked at me intently and nodded.

"Yes, Ofcourse. I'm serious. Would you like to go there? If you have any other place in mind we can change the plan." I was stunned. Like actually stunned.

"Umm... no... I think this would be fine with me." I nod my head trying to act nonchalant, as my cheeks started heating.

Burhan's eyes sparkled when I said that and I couldn't deny the genuine effort he seemed to be making. "Great. I've made arrangements, and we can leave tomorrow. I thought it would be a change of scenery, something different from the palace routine."

"Tomorrow?" Is he serious telling me about a damn trip a day before?

"Mhm... yeah, tomorrow. All the arrangements are done."

"Thank you so much for telling me this so soon." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes sideways.

Contemplating for a few seconds I couldn't help but voice out my thoughts to him. "Why did you plan a sudden trip out of nowhere?"

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