Chapter Five

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In the palace's cozy space, shadows play and prance,

Whispers of secrets, a mysterious dance.

Curious thoughts fill my heart and mind,

As destiny unfolds, answers I'll find-

The warm hues of the setting sun enveloped my chamber, signaling the arrival of night. I settled on the edge of the bed, reflecting on my life these days. Memories of my training in swordplay and archery with Aliza filled my thoughts, igniting a flicker of excitement within me.

I also remembered how I have found such good friends in Amna and Aminah. Together, we embark on explorations through the palace, chatters and laughter echoing in the grand hallways as we roam around here and there aimlessly. Amina's playful spirit and Amna's wise guidance became my cherished companions within these walls.

Yet, amidst the shared laughter and fun, one figure remained a mystery to me—my cousin Fatima. Our paths seldom intersected within the chamber, and her mysterious comings and goings during the early morning and late evening hours left me both curious and intrigued.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a gentle glow across the room, the door creaked open, and Fatima stepped inside. I greeted her with a warm smile, breaking the silence that lingered between us. "Salam, Fatima. It's unusual to find you here at this hour."

Fatima's demeanor remained reserved as she returned the greeting, her voice tinged with detachment. "Wa alaikum assalam, Noor. I have matters to attend to, in the palace." she replied, leaving an air of mystery in her wake.

Watching Fatima as she prepared for bed, I couldn't help but wonder about the secrets she held. Something felt strange and unusual, yet I chose to set aside my suspicions, hoping they were mere figments of my imagination.

The aroma of delicious smell of dinner filled the room as Amna and Aminah brought our dinner, and we sat down to eat. The tasty aroma of spiced lamb stew wafted through the air, making my mouth water. The meat was so juicy and full of flavor, it practically melted in my mouth. It was served with fragrant saffron rice and a mix of yummy roasted veggies. Every bite was a delight, the flavors dancing on our tongues in the cozy candlelight.

After dinner, as we readied ourselves for bed, I decided to visit the hammam to refresh myself before retiring for the night. Fatima, too, prepared for bed, removing her fancy jewelry and taking out a pair of her night clothes.

As I walked in to the bath, the candlelight flickered and made soft shadows on the walls, making the room feel calm and peaceful. The warm water of the bath felt so nice on my tired body, washing away all the tiredness from the day. I could smell the sweet scent of roses in the air, which made the atmosphere even more relaxing. I thought about Fatima, and suddenly remembered that it has been more than a week and I haven't see baba. Deciding to see him tomorrow, I relaxed again.

Returning to my chamber, I found Fatima already settled in her bed, her eyes heavy with fatigue. We exchanged a quiet Salam, the unspoken tension between us palpable. Though questions filled my mind, I chose to let them rest for now, hopeful that time would unveil the secrets hidden by Fatima. I was sure she was hiding something.

With a whispered prayer, I slipped beneath the covers. Ignoring Fatima, I looked up at the ceiling trying to drift to sleep when suddenly I remembered Burhan. It had been a month; I didn't see him after that day when I caught him staring at me while I was training at grounds. It's not like I was looking forward to see him. My eyes suddenly felt heavier, and shrugging my thoughts away I surrendered to the embrace of slumber, unaware of the twists and turns destiny had in store for me.

As I drifted into dreams, images of the day's adventures mingled with the taste of the delectable dinner, and the scent of roses from the hammam lingered in my thoughts, awaiting the dawn of a new day. Also let's not forget to mention a certain someone, who unknowingly always manages to come in my thoughts...


I know it was a short chapter. Sorry my finals are going on.

Will update a little longer chapter as soon as I am done with my exams.

Also please don't forget to vote and comment.

They are the only thing that keep me going<33.

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