Chapter Twenty

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Happy reading!

Stood on the cliffside screaming

'Give me a reason'

-Taylor Swift

The morning sun gently filled the chamber with its golden warmth, creating a hopeful glow around the lavish room, as my eyes opened the next morning. Sitting up ,I watched Burhan breathe deeply and peacefully, as he slept down on the sheets near the bed. Shaking my head to clear it, I moved to the hamam to freshen up. I emerged from my bath wearing a simple yet elegant attire, and walked to the room almost surprised to see Burhan standing up and stretching his body, clearly in discomfort because of sleeping on the floor.

A soft knock announced the entrance of the maids. Burhan called out for them to enter, in his morning husky voice.

"Sayidi shall we set the breakfast?"

With a nod from Burhan, they efficiently set the table, a brief pause in the tension that gripped the room. As they left, Burhan went inside the hamam to freshen up and the silence returned. After coming out all fresh and bathed, Burhan attempted to break the tense silence.

"Noor, let's have breakfast together. We need to eat, and we can talk," he suggested.

I ignored him chose silence, staring at the carpet as if it held the answers.

Burhan tried again.

"Come, Noor. Ignoring your well-being won't change our circumstances. Let's sit together and eat."

Burhan, undeterred, reached out, his touch gentle yet unsettling.

"Noor, we can't keep going like this. Can't we find a way to connect, even if it's just for a moment?"

I pulled away abruptly, avoiding his touch. Reluctantly, I agreed to sit with him and have food accepting the inevitability of our situation. As we sat at the table, the unspoken tension hung thick in the air. The morning sunlight, though gentle, couldn't dispel the shadows of betrayal that loomed over us.

Throughout breakfast, Burhan attempted to have conversation, "The gardens are enchanting today," he remarked, trying to infuse normalcy.

My responses were terse, consciously trying to remain silent. Burhan's hand accidentally brushed against mine while placing a cup of tea, feeling like a current passing through my arm along with the complexities of his betrayal.

"The palace gardens are vast and offer solace," he continued, sensing my reluctance.

I finally spoke, my words laced with bitterness. "Solace is a luxury, Burhan, one I'm not sure I can afford now."

Burhan stared at me taking in my reply, and finally chose to become quiet. We had the rest of our food in silence.

Soon the maids were called in as they wiped off the table taking all the utensils and food out.

Feeling a little perturbed, being in the same room as Burhan, I decided to walk out of the chamber to the gardens, to have a breath of fresh air. I moved towards the door when Burhan called out.

"Where are you going Noor?" I gulped. My annoyance at its peak. My back still faced him as I told him where I was going, my annoyance clearly visible in my words.

"I am going to the gardens."

"Gardens? Ok let me join you." What was seriously wrong with him. Couldn't he see I was annoyed and angry at him? Rolling my eyes in sheer irritation, I proceeded to walk out of the chamber.

The palace corridors echoed with our footsteps, the unspoken weight hanging heavy in the air. The guards here and there bowing their heads in our direction and greeting us, felt so odd.

Soon we reached the rose garden, walking side by side.

"The roses are in full bloom," he commented, gesturing towards the vibrant flowers.

I couldn't help but scoff. "Deceptive beauty, much like the facade you presented."

Burhan sighed, a mixture of regret and determination in his eyes. "Noor, I never wanted to hurt you. If I could undo—"

I cut him off, my voice cold and detached. "Undoing is a luxury reserved for those who didn't intentionally weave a web of lies."

We walked through the garden, the path dappled with sunlight and shadows. There were unsaid words, as weighty as the flowers around us, hanging in the air. Each step seemed like a quiet conversation, a sharing of looks and held-back feelings.

Burhan, sensing the need for a change in tone, shifted the conversation. "Noor, I understand your anger. I won't ask for your forgiveness now, but I hope in time—"

I stopped abruptly, turning to face him. "Time won't erase what you've done. I need space, Burhan. Space to understand, to breathe."

He nodded, a solemn acceptance in his eyes. "Take the time you need. I'll be here when you're ready."

We walked in silence for a while, the tension easing slightly as we navigated the garden's winding paths. The sun, now higher in the sky, cast a warm glow around us, and I couldn't help but notice the subtle beauty of the roses despite their deceptive nature.

Burhan spoke again, his voice softer this time. "Noor, I care about you more than words can convey. I never wanted to see you hurt.

I looked ahead remaining silent, but then turned my head to look at him, searching for sincerity in his eyes. "Then why, Burhan? Why betray the trust we had?" My voice came out low this time.

He hesitated before responding, "I made a terrible choice, driven by fear and a misguided sense of duty. I know I should have asked you for your consent but I didn't want to loose you."

As we continued our walk, the tension began to ease, replaced by a more subdued atmosphere. The garden, with its vibrant colours and soothing fragrance, offered a temporary escape from our reality.

Burhan, sensing a shift, spoke with a touch of vulnerability. "Noor, I know I can't undo the past, but I want to make amends. I want to find a way for us to move forward, together."

I remained silent, absorbing his words. The sincerity in his voice tugged at the edges of my resolve, creating a conflict within me.

"Let's return to the palace," Burhan suggested, his gaze fixed on mine. "We can face whatever comes our way together."

Something deep in his eyes made me still as I looked in his eyes.A soft breeze stirred the air, carrying with it the fragrance of the surrounding roses. In that moment, the tension seemed to ebb away, replaced by a subtle warmth that defied the betrayals of the past.

The unspoken words lingered, but in that shared gaze, there was a promise— a promise I am not sure I want to voice out.

The sound of footsteps broke our moment, and we moved towards the exit.

We retraced our steps through the palace corridors, and returned to our chamber.

The day went by quietly as we carried out our duties. Burhan, burdened by his choices as Sultan, showed a caring side I hadn't seen before. The palace routines continued, and as the sun set, casting warm colours across the sky.

Dinner was quiet, the maids setting the table efficiently. Burhan respected my need for space. As we sat, there was a subtle shift—a recognition that, despite the hurt, we were still tied by our shared past.

The evening passed in contemplation, each of us dealing with our emotions, as we finally retired for the night.

On the bed, I looked at the ceiling, thoughts swirling. Burhan, on a makeshift bed, seemed lost in his own reflections.

As sleep claimed me, I wondered what the dawn might bring. There was still so much left uncertain, so many things left unsaid and so many questions unanswered.



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