Chapter seven

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Happy reading!

"True happiness comes from living a life

 that aligns with your own values and desires, not from conforming to the expectations of others." - Anonymous

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as Amna and Aminah bombarded me with the latest gossip of the palace. We were seated in my chamber, the three of us huddled together as they shared their news.

"Noor, you won't believe what we heard," Amna exclaimed, her eyes widening with excitement.

 "The palace officials have been pestering the king about marriage for ages, and he's finally given in. There's going to be a grand ball in three weeks' time, where the king will choose his bride from all the eligible girls of important families in the kingdom."

Aminah nodded vigorously, her eyes shimmering with anticipation. "Yes, it's true! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for these girls, and they'll do anything to catch the king's attention. It's going to be a spectacular event, Noor!"

I listened to their words, feigning interest while my mind wandered elsewhere. Marriage, the king's bride... Those words held no allure for me. The idea of being trapped in a loveless union with a man old enough to be my grandfather was utterly repulsive. I had no intentions of participating in this ridiculous event.

"I don't understand what the fuss is all about," I replied nonchalantly, crossing my arms.

 "Why would I be excited to attend a ball where girls are paraded like cattle, hoping to be chosen by a man they hardly know? I have no interest in becoming the king's bride."

Amna and Aminah exchanged shocked glances, their mouths agape. Their silence spoke volumes, reflecting their disbelief at my lack of enthusiasm.

"Noor, you must be joking!" Amna finally managed to say, sounding surprised. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Every girl dreams of being chosen by the king. It's an honor!"

I shrugged, not letting their words sway me. "Well, I must be different then. I don't want to be a part of their game. I won't show off like a peacock just to please the officials or the king. My freedom is more important to me."

Aminah's eyes softened with concern as she leaned closer, her voice gentle. "Noor, we understand your reservations, but this is not just about pleasing others. It's about securing your future, ensuring your place in society. Think about the benefits, the power and influence you could have as the queen."

I scoffed, waving off her words. "Power and influence? What good is that if I'm locked in a gilded cage for the rest of my life? I'd rather have the freedom to make my own choices, pursue my own passions. Marriage to the king offers nothing but a life of suffocation."

Their wide-eyed stares bore into me, a mixture of disbelief and concern. They couldn't fathom why I rejected such an opportunity. But I couldn't compromise my principles, my independence, for the sake of societal expectations. Honestly I really don't understand why girls get do crazy hearing about such opportunities.

"Well, I appreciate your concern, my dear friends, but I'm not interested in attending this extravagant charade," 

"But I heard that it's compulsory for every girl to attend it. You will have to attend it Sayadi." Amna said.

"Well then I guess you don't really know me. I will find a way to stay away and it's not like that the king is going to choose me as his bride if i actually attend the ball." 

I winked at them, rising from my seat. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need some fresh air. I'll take a stroll in the gardens. We can catch up later."

 With a nod, I made my way to the chamber doors, leaving behind their bewildered expressions.Stepping into the lush gardens, I let the serenity and beauty wash over me. The vibrant flowers swayed gently in the breeze, their fragrant scent filling the air. 

It was in nature's embrace that I found solace, where I could be free from the suffocating expectations of society.

As I walked along the cobblestone path, the weight of their words lingered in my mind.

 I wondered why the girls are always supposed to live their lives according to the expectations of society. I wonder why they have accepted that society will decide their future for them. Becoming a queen, living in the palace. I really find it hard to believe how they can find happiness in this golden cage. I guess for me my freedom is more important for me than living in the luxuries. 

With these thoughts in my mind, I continued strolling in the rose garden, finding peace in the quirking of the birds and the scent of roses.


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