Chapter two

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Happy Reading!
Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field.
I will meet you there.
-Jalaludin Rumi

I woke up with the yellow rays of the sun falling into my eyes from the window. Groaning, I sat up on the queen-sized bed, wincing because my back was hurting due to sleeping so much.
I think it was afternoon, as I was able to hear a lot of bustling and noise outside the chamber. I looked around the large chamber, which was a little smaller compared to my father’s but it was beautiful. I couldn’t see Fatima around, I guess she left.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. For a while, I just stared at the door getting knocked, but realizing that I need to allow whoever it was, into the chamber I said;

“Come in!” And with that, two girls entered the chamber.

“Salam Sayidi, I hope you had a good sleep. I am Amna and this girl with me is Amina.” Amna spoke motioning towards Aminah. Why are there names so similar, I wondered nodding my head a little at them.

“Salam, you can call me Noor.” The girls smiled.

“We are appointed to take care of you Sayidi, you can ask us for anything. We will be happy to help.”

Wait, what? I will be taken care of now by other people. Seriously I am literally a full grown-up human being, and can take care of myself very well.

Sighing, I got off the bed knowing there was no use of bringing a fight over this, as all the important people and the royals got this treatment in the palace.

“It’s ok I won’t be bothering you much Aminah and Amna. I am very much habitual of taking care of myself on my own and please call me Noor.” I said moving towards them.

“No seriously, there is no problem for us, we are appointed for this job. It’s not a burden on us, Noor. Right now, we have readied the hammam for you to have a bathe, and this is the jewelry and your clothes for you to wear.”

Aminah said motioning towards some heavy jewelry and a heavy gown.

“Um thank you so much, but Aminah please I don’t like wearing this heavy jewelry and heavy dresses like these. Please get me something simple.” Both of them looked at me strangely but nodded.

I moved towards the hammam in my chamber, it was huge and had all sorts of oils and whatnot in the shelves all around. Getting a bath, I came out wrapping a towel around me and saw that Amna had left a new blue gown for me on the couch. Even though it was still a little fancy but simple and elegant. As soon as I finished wearing it there was again a knock on the door.

“Come in!” Amna and Aminah entered again.

“Noor, you look very pretty in this. Please have a seat we will do your hair.” Agreeing, I sat down on the vanity and they started braiding my hair, as I had told them to do. They also made me wear small gold studs in the ear, to which I did not object.
After getting ready, I had my breakfast or should I call it lunch, and asked Amna about the whereabouts of Fatima.

“We don’t know Noor; she is usually with her friends in the palace.” 

“Alright, thank you so much for your help both of you.” I said smiling.
“No worries, Sayidi.” Saying this they left.

For a while I just sat in the chamber, but getting bored decided to go out and look around the palace. I stepped out of the chamber into the hallway. I could see a guard standing at some distance and some women carrying some things in their hands and rushing here and there. I started walking through the hallway, admiring the architect and interior of the palace. Wandering here and there, I didn’t really know where I was going.

See? This was the reason I didn’t want to come to the palace, I literally do not have any useful thing to do. Back in the city, my grandma, used to make different ornaments and we used to go together and sell them. I wanted to go back to that carefree life, where I could do anything freely.

I remember pranking my friends every now and then. I wondered what they must be doing right now. Do they miss m-

“Ouch!” Suddenly, someone bumped into me. Seriously why am I bumping into people so much here. Rubbing my forehead, a little, I stepped behind only to see a man standing in front of me. 
My eyes widened realizing that he was shirtless. His fully muscular body with strong biceps and abs was glistening in sweat. He was holding a sword in his hand. I think he was returning from training or something.

“Miss, can’t you see where you are going?” He said in his deep manly voice. Wait, what did he just say?

“Excuse me? How dare you blame ME for this, when actually you are the one who bumped into me!” I retorted pointing my finger towards him.

“Seriously?! Mind telling me why would I bump into you. I was literally walking straight on the right and you were walking along the left side of the hallway but suddenly moved towards the right and bumped into me” he said, raising his eyebrows. I swallowed my saliva realizing he was right but I was still not ready to accept my mistake.

“So, what, if I was the one who was walking blindly. What about you? If I was blind that does not mean you too are blind. You could have moved aside!” I was literally glaring at him.

“What? Instead of accepting your mistake and apologizing you are seriously back firing all of this on me?” The nerve of him!!

“Apologize?! Are you alright? Why would I apologize to you when clearly you are the one who’s wrong here and it’s not like you are the king here, that I go around apologizing.” What does he think of himself, I literally feel like choking him.

I think he also got pretty annoyed by my behavior, because shaking his head sideways, he quickly left.

Rolling my eyes, I moved ahead. The guy was actually good looking, but what’s the use of these good-looks when he doesn’t even know how to behave with females. Shrugging the thoughts away, I decided to go back to my chamber.
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