Part 15

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Tw: talks of abuse, nightmare

Nina (pov)
I wake up to someone poking at my face. I look up to see dokotah and I look around it's dark so its still night. I finally take a good look at him and he has tear stains on his face. "Hey buddy what's wrong?" "I had nimare" he says looking down almost looking embarrassed "oh it's okay buddy everyone has them" I say lifting his chin up so he can look at me "weally?" "Yes baby even me and mama have them" I can tell he feels a little better because he smiling a little. "Do you wanna tell me what it was about?" "Mhm" "go ahead" he looks a little hesitant. "You don't have to buddy" "bu I wan to" "then what's wrong baby?" "I scared" he says with a shaky voice and tears starting to come out of his eyes. "Well kid you do not have to be scared me and mommy are right here with you" I hear a raspy voice from the side of me. I look over and see Constance awake. I give her a small smile.

Constance (pov)
I woke up like 5 minutes ago and listen to the conversation but when my little man says he is scared it breaks my heart and I have to say something. "Me and mommy will always protect you, okay?" "Otay" "go ahead kid whenever you are ready" he sits for a minute still looking a tiny bit hesitant but he starts talking "in my dweam I eard scweam and den I eard anoder scweam and it was mommy, so I walted out my woom and saw gwampy hitting mommy" now he is crying and I can't help but feel like crying either but I need to be strong for him and Nina. I look over to Nina and she looks terrified she is also tearing up. He starts talking again which grabs my attention. "I didnt want mommy to be huwt b-but gwampy i-is to b-big for me t-to hewp her." "Oh kid it's okay it's just a nightmare, look you are here with mommy and me and you are safe."

Nina (pov)
That absolutely breaks me. I'm almost now full on sobbing. It must have caught Constance and Kotahs attention cause what I hear next breaks me more then I thought possible. "I sowwy mommy, I didn't pwotet uo, I sowwy." "Buddy hey look at me" I say a little stern "you do not have to worry about me and it was not your fault. You did and do not have to protect me, I protect you okay?" "Otay mommy"

5 minutes later

Nina (pov)
It's been about 5 minutes and it's currently 2 in the morning. Kotah looks tired. "Go to sleep buddy me and mama are here" he looks up with the cutest face "milk peas" I let out a little chuckle "of course buddy" I pull my shirt and bra down and he latches on. I look over at Constance and she it looking at us with so much admiration. "I love you baby" she says "I love you" I say she leans over and pecks my lips and kotahs forehead and pulls me and kotah into a tight hug. All that's heard is suckling and soft breathing. I close my eyes and let sleep consume me.


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