Part 22

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15 minutes later...

Lizzie (pov)
It's been about 20 minutes. Me and Scarlett are cuddled up with Dakotah while he sleeps. We both hear hurried footsteps come down the stairs and turn to see both girls rushing to us. They stop in front of us and look down at Dakotah. Both tearing up. "Hey guys what's wrong?" They both look at each other but say nothing. They turn their heads back towards Dakotah and Nina reaches out for him.

Nina (pov)
Once Dakotah is in my arms Constance wraps her arms around the both of us. Kotah stirs awake "mommy and mama" he lets out in a slight whisper "hey kid" he looks at us "Me wove ous" I let out a watery laugh as tears stream down my face. "We love you too kid".

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Scarlett. I have no idea when she got there. I hand Kotah off to Lizzie who is still sitting on the couch and pull Scarlett into a tight hug. She freezes surprised but almost instantly hugs back. We just stand there. Her gently rubbing my back. "I love you Scarly" she sighs softly "I love you too hunny" I give one last squeeze and Lizzie motions us to come sit with her and Constance who now had Dakotah on her lap.

"What happened?" She asked worried. I glance at Constance then to Kotah. "Can we talk tonight when Kotah goes to sleep?" "Of course"

Constance (pov)
We all sit there in a comfortable silence with Blues Clues playing. Kotah pokes my face. "Mama?" He breaks the silence "can I have a snack?" "Of course kid, but I don't know where anything is so why don't you ask Scarlett." What he says next surprises me "gwammy can ou get me snack?" She smiles gently at him then takes a quick glance at Nina who looks just as surprised as me. "Of course honey, come here" she takes him into the kitchen to get his snack.

"W-when did t-that happen?" Nina asks reaching out for my hand. "Well while we were all in the kitchen earlier he asked why you were sad" she pauses briefly "he asked if it was his fault and Scarlett explained to him that she doesn't know all why you are sad but said she knows that it isn't his fault because you love him so much and he makes you so happy" I see Nina with a small smile while tears are streaming down her face. She squeezes my hand and Lizzie continues. "He jumped into her arms and hugged her then said I love you Grammy and then fell asleep." "Wow" I let out and at that they both laugh at me.

"What's so funny?" I ask Nina "Nothing baby, just when we first got here when Kotah saw the house for the first time he let out a small wow. Now I know where he got it from." I smile and lean over to peck her lips forgetting Lizzie who was sitting beside us.

Lizzie (pov)
I smile gently at their little moment. They are so in love. I'm thinking back to yesterday. Wow it's only been three days since I met Nina and Kotah. Anyways yesterday when she was talking about Constance she was starting to say something but got interrupted. I'll have to ask her about that later. My thoughts are interrupted by a little body jumping onto the couch.

With all the warmth circulating in my body I have the urge to just scoop him up and hug him tight. That's exactly what I did. "I love you so much buddy" he doesn't say anything for a minute which worries me but then I hear a small "Me wove ou o Gwamma". I am a little surprised and all I do is smile and hug him a little tighter.

Our moment is interrupted by Nina. "How would you like to stay with Grammy and Grandma buddy?". He lifts his head up and has the biggest smile "weally?" She just nods. He says yes then slides off the couch and does the cutest little happy dance.

We all laugh.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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