Part 17

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Nina (pov)
After about 15 minutes in the bath we got out. We head to the bedroom and start getting dressed. "Mommy me hungwy" "okay little man, what do you want?" "Me no know" I was kinda surprised he didn't ask for milky as he calls it "okay than let's go see what's in the kitchen" I look over at Constance because she hasn't said anything. Looks like she is in deep thought. "Constance" I call she doesn't hear "babe" I say while kissing her on the cheek "hmm?" she finally responds "what you thinking about?" she glanced at Dakotah and than said "later" "okay baby"

Constance (pov)
I couldn't stop thinking about that whole bath thing. Kotah never hesitated before but today he seemed almost scared. My thoughts are interrupted by a kiss on my cheek. I looked over at Nina. She asked what I was thinking about but I don't want to say anything in front of Dakotah so I told her later.

5 minutes later...

Constance (pov)
We all finished getting ready for the day so we head downstairs. We get to the kitchen and Lizzie and Scarlett are there making breakfast. "Good morning guys" Lizzie greats "mownin wizzie" kotah says while running to her legs to give her a hug.

Lizzie (pov)
Me and Scarlett woke up around 5 this morning and started getting ready for the day. Nina and her little family were still sleep so we decided to make breakfast a little later. We just enjoyed each other's company for a couple more hours than started making breakfast around 10. It's about 30 minutes later and I hear people coming downstairs. They enter the kitchen. "Good morning guys" "mownin wizzie" kotah says crashing into my legs. He looks up to me with the cutest look "me hungwy wizzie" "well buddy do you like bacon, grits, eggs, and toast?" He looks up to me with the biggest smile "wes me do" he than walks over to Scarlett who is pouring kotah apple juice and making the rest of us coffee.

Scarlett (pov)
Kotah starts walking towards me and when her gets to me he hugs my legs. "Hey buddy" "hewwo scarwet" he looks like he wants something "what's wrong buddy?" "mmm" he hesitates a little so I bend down to his height. "You can ask me anything I promise" he smile a little "c-can ou watch bwues cwues wit me a-and we cuddle pweas?" He finally gets out "of course buddy but let's eat breakfast first get some food in that belly" "otay scarwet tank ou" "welcome buddy"


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