Chapter 1

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~~ 24 years ago ~~

It was dark out as a woman ran. Hurrying before the first light of the day was to shine through. It was about 4 AM, but she knew she needed to act fast, unless she wanted to be caught. A baby screamed and cried as she shushed it. Hurrying and running to a place deep in the forest. Dodging animals and other trees as she reached a clearing. Soon plopping the baby down as she looked at her. The baby soon cried again as she did all she could to keep her quiet.

"Shhh, everything will be fine. I promise. I will come find you when the time is right. I love you so much, but it isn't safe for you with me." The woman spoke as she took one last look at the baby and kissed it's forehead before running off. Unaware that she was being watched. Soon a few wolves circled around the baby. Wanting it for themselves, one of them lunged to grab it but failed.

"I bet this will make a really nice dinner." One wolf snarled as it also attempted to lunge at it, but was stopped. A wolf howled as it scared the bad wolves away.

"RUN!" Another wolf shouted as the pack of wolves ran off. The good wolf sniffed the air as it went closer, and saw the baby left alone there. Soon another wolf joined her.

"It seems someone left this... thing out here." The male wolf spoke as he picked it up, but soon set it down as the woman wolf instructed him to. She soon smiled.

"Must have been for a good reason." She spoke as the baby cooed. She licked it's forehead as the male wolf sighed. Turning away to look around him before turning back to face her.

"We can't keep it, you know this." He spoke as she shook her head.

"Well what do you want us to do then? It isn't old enough out on it's own yet." She spoke.

"While you do make a fair point, it isn't one of us." The male spoke as the female growled.

"Who cares? It will die out here on it's own. Either we take it, and help it, for as long as it needs. Or we leave it out here to die. I don't think you want to be responsible for a death, Klaar.

"I really don't want to be responsible for that, but it isn't one of us. It's not safe out here for this thing anyway." Klaar spoke as she shoved him.

"It's better than leaving it to die. So what's it going to be then Klaar?" The female wolf spoke as Klaar sighed. He looked at the baby before turning to face her.

"Fine Astra, we will take this... thing for a while. But don't say I didn't warn you." Klaar spoke as Astra rolled her eyes.

"Warn me about what? It won't harm us, it's an innocent child." Astra spoke as Klaar glared at her.

"You don't know that. You've never been around it's kind before." Klaar spoke as the baby started to cry. Astra licked it's cheeks as she glared at Klaar for a moment, before turning to look at the baby.

"Your scaring it. Enough of that!" Astra exclaimed as she lifted up the baby and put it on her back. But Klaar just rolled his eyes, avoiding the baby's attention as it still cried.

"What if it's dangerous? The wolves will exile us." Klaar spoke as Astra licked him.

"I doubt she's dangerous and even if we get exiled who cares? This place is full of trashy wolves just waiting to make the place even worse." Astra spoke as the baby soon giggled. Stopping it's crying as it clung onto Astra.

"It's a girl?" Klaar asked as Astra nodded.

"From what I can tell yes." Astra spoke as the baby tugged on her fur. Giggling again as Astra bounced her up and down. "I guess she's happy now." She spoke as Klaar started to walk away but soon stopped.

"You better be right about all of this." He spoke as she chuffed.

"I am sure I am." Astra spoke as the baby cooed. Staying on her back as the two of them ran to find the rest of their pack. They eventually did after a long while, and to mixed results.

"A human baby? Really?" One wolve spoke as Astra rolled her eyes. While Klaar just avoided looking at the pack for as long as he could.

"I want to keep her until she's ready to go off on her own. If I were to leave her here right now she would be dead in a matter of days. I don't think that's fair to a person who's life only has just begun." Astra spoke as the elder wolf nodded.

"Well I suppose that's true." The elder wolf came foreward and spoke as some of the other wolves just growled and snarled in confusion and anger.

"But it isn't one of us." Another wolf snarled as the elder wolf glared at it.

"That's enough out of all of you. This human being is here to stay, until it's ready to go off on it's own." The elder wolf spoke as the baby started to cry. But Astra shushed it before licking it's cheek. Which caused the baby to coo and fall asleep on her back. Some of the other wolves started to complain as Klaar glared at them. Lifting his gaze so they'd know he cared and was paying attention. Causing them all to keep shut as he went closer to Astra. Licking her cheek as he smiled.

"She sure is interesting, do you happen to have a name for her my dear?" Klaar spoke as Astra smiled and nodded her head.

"Penny." She spoke before howling to the moon along with the rest of her pack. Holding Penny on her back for a moment longer as she smiled. Licking her cheek again before setting her down on the ground. Soon she softly whispered to her as the moon light shined through.

"You'll always be my precious little angel. A light in this dark of a forest." Astra whispered as she and Klaar cuddled up to Penny and fell asleep. Hoping that everything would be alright, and that the forest would keep her safe for a very long time.

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