Chapter 7

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Penny smiled as she woke up, but she realised she was alone. Confused she wandered out into the kitchen to see Sam sitting down. He looked up at her and smiled as she trotted over to him on her fours.

"Hi beautiful good morning." Sam spoke as Penny giggled. She stood up and looked at him.

"Sam." She spoke as he chuckled.

"Yeah that's me. Listen I have to go into work, so your gonna be here alone is that alright?" Sam asked as Penny shook her head. "I am guessing you understood some of what I said. But I have work, and it's important." Sam spoke as Penny nodded.

"I important too." She spoke as Sam smiled.

"I know you are. But it's best if you stay here today." Sam spoke as Penny shook her head.

"No stay." Penny spoke as Sam raised his eyebrows.

"You don't want to stay here then? You could always come to work with me and meet my coworkers. But, I don't know if that's an amazing idea." Sam spoke as Penny cocked her head in confusion. Not understanding of most of the words Sam just said.

"Amaing?" Penny tried to mimick a word Sam said as he laughed.

"I see your still up for mimicking me." Sam spoke as Penny chuffed. Trying to go closer to him as he just walked away. "Not now Penny. We can kiss later." Sam spoke as Penny frowned.

"Now?" Penny asked a few seconds later as Sam shook his head.

"If your going to come with me to work your going to have to get ready first. Come here." Sam spoke as he took off the dirty shirt she was wearing and threw it on his couch. He figured he could put it away later. Sam went to his closet and grabbed some things before coming back out. Putting a clean white shirt on her, and then putting a pair of his light blue pants on her. They were baggy but he cuffed up the pant legs so they touched her ankles instead. Then grabbing out one of his belts as he put it on her. Finally he slid a pair of his old sneaker shoes on her. "There we go all ready." Sam spoke as Penny looked at him. Sniffing her shirt sleeve as she looked at him.

"This?" She asked as Sam nodded.

"For now. I have nothing else clean sorry." Sam spoke as Penny didn't understand him.

"Clean?" Penny asked as Sam laughed.

"Yeah it's like, something smelling good, feeling good, you get it?" Sam asked as Penny nodded.

"Sam clean, me too." Penny spoke as Sam nodded.

"Very good yes. Now come on, I don't want to be late." Sam spoke as Penny trailed behind him on her fours. "I'd suggest walking on your twos if your going to meet my friends." Sam spoke as he lifted up Penny and took her hand in his. Soon arriving at work as his friends smiled at him.

"Hi Sam!" Elvis exclaimed as Ellie and Arnold walked closer. They both waved as Sam smiled back at them.

"Hello everyone. It seems not to be a busy day yet." Sam spoke as Penny walked inside. She let go of his hands a bit earlier, and sniffed around the place. Soon stopping as she came up to where Sam was. Penny was on her fours as the crew just looked at her.

"Who is she, and why is she dressed like you?" Ellie asked as Sam laughed. Picking up Penny so she stood on her twos.

"Her name is Penny." Sam spoke as he looked at her. "Again Penny, twos and not fours." Sam spoke once more as she shook her head.

"No!" Penny shouted as Sam rolled his eyes.

"Don't act like a baby." Sam spoke as Penny's eyes went up.

"Sam." She spoke with a giggle as she pointed at him. "Baby." She repeated as Sam sighed.

"Nope. Not very funny sweetheart." Sam spoke as Penny smiled and giggled again. Turning to face his friends who all just starred at her.

"Is it just me or is she kinda... funny?" Elvis spoke as Penny starred at Elvis now. Laughing as she went closer to him.

"Baby." She said as Elvis shook his head.

"I am not that small, am I?" Elvis asked as Arnold shook his head.

"She seems to just be immature, that's all." Arnold spoke as Sam shook his head.

"Well yes I suppose but, no not really? She doesn't understand us well." Sam spoke as Penny was back on her fours. Going on over to Sam as she tugged on his pant leg and wimpered. "What is it Penny?" Sam asked as she started to sniff something, and then bolted off. "PENNY NO!!" Sam shouted as he ran after her, but he couldn't keep up and before he knew it she was gone.

"Did you loose her?" Ellie asked as Sam nodded.

"Well she is old enough to know where to go right?" Arnold asked as Sam didn't know what to properly say. But he decided to come clean anyway.

"She doesn't understand humans well enough yet, and though she can speak, she usually just mimicks some of the words I say and doesn't know the meanings for everything. Yes sure she's immature, but she means well. She doesn't understand basic human interaction and, if she runs off by herself it's a bad thing." Sam spoke as Elvis smiled at Sam.

"I am sure it isn't that bad Sam." Elvis spoke as Sam shook his head.

"There is something else I should note. She was raised by wolves for many many years." Sam spoke as everyone's eyes went wide.

"So that explains the walking on fours, sniffing things, and the wimpering." Arnold spoke.

"Correct. I've tried to teach her not to do any of that but it always fails." Sam spoke.

"I asume we should run after her now?" Elvis asked as Sam nodded. But before he could speak anymore the alarm went off.

"Hmm, it seems there is a fire in the forest. I think we will need all hands on deck for this one." Sam spoke as the crew nodded.

"Rodger that Sam!" The team shouted as they got their assignments and went quickly to the forest. Hopeful that the fire could be put out in enough time.

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