Chapter 8

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"Seems someone's already beat us to the rescue." Ellie spoke as Sam noticed Penny there.

"Penny? But you... how?" Sam asked as Penny smiled. She then pointed to the fire.

"Go." She spoke as Sam nodded and the crew put out the fire. Once it was out Sam went back to her and so did the rest of the team. Currious on how she got here so quickly and how she knew about what to do.

"Seems she knew the people were in trouble and decided to help them. We've got a natural born firefighter right here." Ellie spoke as Sam chuckled.

"Wait a moment no we don't need a sixth firefighter." Elvis spoke as Arnold's eyes went wide.

"Sixth? Since when has there been five firefighters in Pontypandy? Steele doesn't do shit." Arnold spoke as Elvis coughed. "Not now Elvis." Arnold spoke as Steele looked annoyed.

"MCKINLEY!" He shouted as Arnold turned around and yelped. Hiding behind Ellie for a moment as she stepped to the side so he could be seen again. Ellie giggled as Penny went closer to Steele.

"My my, we really do have a fine firefighter here." Steele spoke as Sam went closer to her.

"Sir, without listening to me she ran off. I don't know how she managed to come all the way here." Sam spoke as Penny tugged on his shirt sleeve. "Not now sweetheart, we've got work to do alright?" Sam spoke as Penny cocked her head at him.

"Seems she wants to tell you something Sam." Elvis spoke as Sam nodded.

"Yes I can see that Elvis but, it's going to have to wait. Seems what Station Officer Steele wants to say is much more important." Sam spoke as Steele nodded.

"I did secretly put out a request to have another firefighter transfer here but no one seems to want to work here." Steele spoke as Ellie's eyes went wide.

"Secretly? With all due respect sir things like that shouldn't be kept a secret." Ellie spoke as Arnold nodded.

"I agree. Things like this are what everyone needs to know, not just one or two people." Arnold spoke.

"I asume, you want to hire Penny sir?" Sam spoke as he nodded.

"If she is willing, and is able to do some training." Steele spoke as Elvis looked confused.

"I don't get it." Elvis spoke as Arnold laughed.

"What isn't there to get Elvis? New firefighter, new co worker." Arnold spoke as Elvis shook his head.

"No not that." Elvis spoke as Sam rolled his eyes.

"I asume Elvis she ran all the way here. Must be tiring however." Ellie spoke as Penny shook her head.

"Run lots. Not tiring." Penny spoke as Ellie's eyes went wide.

"Well that's good to hear." Ellie spoke as Steele cleared his throat.

"So are you up to it?" Steele asked as Penny looked up at Sam.

"You can do whatever you want sweetheart." Sam spoke as Penny nodded. She turned back to look at Station Officer Steele and nodded.

"That's wonderful news. I look foreward to seeing you at the station tommorow." Steele spoke as he walked away, but stopped for a moment before going. "Oh and McKinley?" He asked as Arnold saluted and looked at him.

"Yes sir?" He asked as Steele went closer to him.

"If I ever hear you say those sorts of things again, I WILL HAVE YOU FIRED!" Steele shouted as Arnold gulped before Steele chuckled. Playing it off as a joke as Arnold wandered away, and Steele did too.

"Scared? Should be." Ellie spoke as Arnold rolled his eyes at her.

"Haha very funny." Arnold spoke as Elvis walked closer to them.

"Seems things are already changing." Elvis spoke as Sam appeared with Penny.

"Already? I doubt it, Penny's just joined the team Elvis." Sam spoke as Elvis nodded.

"I know Sam. But things already feel different." Elvis spoke as Sam shrugged.

"I guess that makes sense." Ellie spoke as she looked at everyone. "Come on, we've all gotta get back to the station and then head home. Well, besides you Arnold." Ellie spoke as Arnold frowned.

"Sucks I have night duty tonight." He spoke as Elvis patted his shoulder.

"It's oke Arnold we all do it." Elvis spoke as Arnold half smiled.

"Doesn't make it any less boring." Arnold spoke as Sam smiled and they all walked on off to head back to the station in their veichles. They went back to station a few minutes later.

"Seems with the six of us now Pontypandy will be extra safe." Elvis spoke as Sam nodded.

"I should hope so Elvis." Sam spoke as he noticed Penny had looked away. "Penny? What are you looking at?" Sam asked as Penny turned to slightly smile at him before she turned back to what she was looking at. He noticed the look of fear on her face as he walked in front of her.

"Sam..." She said the words out loud softly as tears started to fall. Before she could say anything more Sam was struck and fell to the ground. He felt the wind was knocked out of him as he fell, then passed out. Still breathing but barely as a wolf licked it's mouth. Before it then snarled as it looked at Penny. Sneering it's teeth as she shoved it away. Ellie, Arnold, and Elvis watched in both shock and horror as she defended Sam. Soon stopping as she had noticed the wolf was weakened. She spoke to it, but no one else could understand what she was saying.

"YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE NOW!" She shouted in a grrr as the wolf laughed.

"Why should I? Your a disgrace to everyone. Pathetic little girl, who thinks that she can be normal now. Well let me tell you something. You'll never be normal!" It snarled before it fell to a ground with a yelp. Arnold managed to spray it with a hose.

"Hmm, I didn't think that'd work." He spoke as the wolf darted away.

"Sam? Sam?" Ellie asked as Sam lay on the ground knocked out.

"I think we need to get him to a hospital. You too Penny." Ellie spoke as Penny blurred in and out of concinuess for a moment before finally falling to the ground. The last words she heard was Elvis shouting her name before she blacked out.

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