Chapter 5

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Sam stirred as he rubbed his eyes. Looking around the room and noticing Penny wasn't there. Sam groaned and got up, looking around the room but not seeing her. He walked out into the kitchen as he saw a mess on the floor. Penny, he thought to himself as he looked up to see her sitting in the living room. She was a mess, with food all over her.

"Great, how great." Sam spoke softly to himself as he went over to her. She looked up at him and licked him as he lifted her up. "Come here sweetheart I need to clean you up." Sam spoke as he started the bath water. Penny tried to dart off but Sam wouldn't let that happen. He took off her clothes and cleaned her, and when she was done he wrapped a towel around her. Drying her off as he got her dressed. Putting on her panties and a clean shirt.

"There you go, all better." Sam spoke with a smile as Penny tugged at the shirt she was given. It was too big for her, but would do, as usual. Sam thought to himself as he looked at his watch.

"I have to go or I'll be late for work. I want you to stay here and behave, understood Penny?" Sam asked as Penny didn't understand him. Licking his hand as he walked out the door. Sam walked for a bit, but finally made it to work. Looking at his coworkers with a hint of defeat as the day was ready to begun.

"What's wrong Sam?" Elvis asked as Sam sighed.

"A lot. I don't even know where to begun." Sam spoke as Elvis walked closer. Jerry just watched on from the couch as Sam hesitated on opening up.

"Well you can always tell us what's wrong Sam. We'll always be here for you." Elvis spoke with a smile.

"Thanks Elvis." Sam spoke.

"What is it Sam?" Elvis asked as Sam looked at him.

"This is something, I would prefer if it was just kept between us." Sam spoke as Elvis nodded.

"Fine by me." Elvis remarked as Sam smiled and gave a thumbs up. He was about to speak when he was interrupted.

"Drill today. Men, and woman." Steele spoke as Elvis groaned.

"I guess I will have to tell you later Elvis." Sam spoke as Elvis nodded and they all got ready for there drill. Meanwhile Penny opened the door again, this time not removing her shirt as she ran off on her fours as fast as she could back to the forest. She couldn't take it anymore, she wanted her life back no matter what it took. Penny smiled as she saw the entrance and ran inside. Unaware she was being watched. It was pitch dark as she made her way inside. The darkness of the sky making it hard to see as she felt she was being watched. She kept on high alert, but soon turned around as a wolf tried to lunge at her. She dodged it as she heard it growl.

"What do you want with me?" Penny asked as she looked at the wolf who was staring at her.

"I want you dead." The wolf snarled as Penny remembered her dream.

"This is just like my dream last night." Penny spoke as she backed away, but the wolf kept following her.

"You will be dead, you will no longer be a light that this forest needs." The wolf spoke as it lunged at her again. But Penny ran off, trying to lose it as it trailed behind her but she was unsucsessful. She stopped and starred at it. Frozen in fear as it licked it's mouth. She soon let out a loud howl, and Sam heard it.

"Well that's very intresting. I thought I just heard a wolf howl." Sam spoke as he shook his head. "My mind must be playing tricks on me again." Sam spoke as Elvis looked at him. The drill over as the both of them sat there. But Sam was quick on his feat as he heard the howl again. It sounded familiar, as Sam and Elvis both ran as fast as they could.

"Where do you think Sam is going?" Ellie asked as Arnold shook his head.

"I don't know but we should probably go find out." Arnold spoke as Ellie nodded. Running after him as Jerry followed suit. They stopped when they entered a forest, catching up to Sam and Elvis as they looked confused.

"Sam? Why did you run all the way here?" Jerry asked as Sam and Elvis both turned around. Sam's eyes widened as he motioned them to come closer, and was panting.

"It was supposed to be between me and Elvis, but since your here might as well let you guys in on it." Sam spoke.

"In on what?" Arnold asked as Sam heard a snarl.

"Stay close to me." Sam instructed as everyone followed him. Soon stopping behind a bush as they saw a wolf snarling at Penny. Sam's eyes went wide as Elvis looked at him.

"Is that her Sam?" Elvis asked as Sam nodded.

"Penny..." Sam softly spoke as the wolf clawed at Penny but she knocked it away with her brute strength. Watching it collapse to the ground as she tried to run away but it pinned her against the tree. It's thoughts being heard loudly.

"I won't let this light go on any further. This forest will always succumb to the darkness!" The wolf snarled as Penny tried to shove it away but it was too late. It bit her head as she howled loudly. Falling to the ground as the wolf circled her. Blood pooling out as the wolf growled and licked it's mouth. "Just like in the dream, I always win." The wolf's thoughts spoke as Sam couldn't hold it in any longer. He walked out of the bush, grabbing a rock and throwing it at the wolf. Watching as it whimpered and collapsed on the ground. Knocked out and not awake as Sam tried to wake up Penny to no avail.

"Penny!! PENNY!!" Sam shouted as she didn't move. Her heartbeat weak as he lifted her up. The blood dripping to the ground as he ran off. Holding her as the rest of the team followed Sam. Making it out of the forest as they ran to Sam's house. Jerry locking the door as Sam layed Penny down on the floor. Moving some hair out of her face as tears formed in his eyes. Afraid of what was happening, and what was yet to come.

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