Chapter 2

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~~ Present day ~~

Penny smiled as she looked up. Smiling as she waved to her parrents.

"Ah mama! Papa!" She shouted as she ran closer to them while on her fours. Giggling as they looked at her.

"Mhhm hi sweetheart what brings you back over here?" Klaar asked as she smiled again.

"I always love to come and visit and you know that papa!" Penny exclaimed as her mother nuzzled her and licked her cheek. "Mama stop that." Penny spoke as Astra stared at her.

"Well it's great your here." Astra spoke as Penny soon looked concerned.

"Is something the matter mama?" Penny asked as Astra shook her head.

"No sweetheart. It's just great your here." She spoke with a smile as Penny nodded.

"It seems like just yesterday you were our little girl." Klaar spoke as Penny laughed.

"I'm still your little girl and always will be. Even though I'm... older now." Penny spoke.

"Around 8,300 moons old." Klaar spoke as Penny rolled her eyes.

"Do you plan on staying around?" Astra asked as Penny shook her head.

"No mama, I have bussiness to attend to. But I figured I'd stop by for a little while." Penny spoke as her mother and father licked her. Planting kisses on her forehead as they looked at her.

"Well I hope you stay safe, we both love you very much." Klaar spoke as Penny smiled.

"I know you two do, and I love you too. But I have to go, bye!" Penny exclaimed as she ran off.

"That girl. Always so adventurous and full of wonder." Klaar spoke as he laughed and shook his head as Astra went closer to him.

"Did you hear the news?" Astra spoke as Klaar shook his head.

"What news?" He asked as Astra sighed, tears formed on her eyes as she gazed at him.

"A human being was spotted walking through these very woods." Astra spoke as Klaar was shocked, but also concerned.

"But that means... if Penny finds it..." Klaar spoke as he was cut off.

"We have to tell her the truth, Klaar." Astra spoke as Klaar shook his head.

"No we can't tell her the truth. We just have to hope that she doesn't come across this human being herself." Klaar spoke as Astra sighed.

"But she's over 8,000 moons old. She has to know at some point." Astra spoke as Klaar looked at her.

"Human beings aren't safe for her, and to be fair, neither are we." Klaar spoke as Astra looked out into the distance. Klaar nuzzled her close as she then looked at him.

"I just hope Penny is safe wherever she is." Astra spoke as the sunlight started to shine through the forest. Penny meanwhile was roaming around as usual. But she stopped when she saw footprints, much like her own.

"I didn't know someone like me was out here." She spoke to herself with a giggle as she ran to the source of the footprints, where they stopped. She crouched behind a bush and looked ahead and was shocked. It was a human being, a very rare sighting around these parts. Penny kept quiet as she studied him, and was mesmerized by what he was doing. She took a glance at herself, and then looked at him. Stunned to see the similarities. But she was a wolf, she thought to herself as she looked at him in disbelief. But before she could look anymore, she had accidently stepped on a branch, startling him.

"Who's there?" The man asked as Penny didn't understand him, and she ran off. She knew she needed to get to safety and away from the human being. So she ran back to her parrents place, while the man just starred at the footprints for a moment before deciding to give up. Penny was upset by the time she bumped into her parrents again.

"Back so soon sweetheart?" Astra asked as Penny looked at them. They sniffed her and felt concerned as she looked at them.

"What am I?" Penny asked as her parrents looked at her.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Astra asked as Penny looked at them intensely for a moment before sighing.

"I saw someone who looks just like me. But acted nothing like me. I want the truth mama, and papa." Penny spoke as her parrents looked at her.

"You shouldn't have ever come here." Klaar spoke as Penny looked at him.

"What do you mean papa?" Penny spoke as Klaar shook his head.

"You broke a rule of this forest, you are no longer my daughter." Klaar spoke as Penny started to cry.

"You can't be serious. Mama?" Penny asked as Astra shook her head.

"Klaar is right. Humans are dangerous and not to be trusted. You have brought shame upon our pack. You are to leave at once." Astra spoke as Penny looked at her and Klaar one last time before running off. Letting tears form as she longed to belong again. All she wanted was to stay here, but now that she couldn't she felt empty inside. Penny decided to stop running but stick to walking, but stopped for a moment to howl. She soon got back on her fours, and walked a while longer. Then, that's when she noticed the man again. He had orange colored hair, and he seemed to be looking at something on the ground. Penny smiled as she watched him, unaware that he noticed her. She fell out of the bush she was looking at him from, and he smiled at her.

"I was wondering who was starring at me." Sam spoke as he extended his hand, and Penny took it. Smiling at him as he lifted her up and held her hand for a moment longer before letting it go. But Penny couldn't stand up that way, and the moment he let go she tried to walk like he was, but she fell face flat on the ground. "Oh I'm sorry, here!" Sam exclaimed as he took Penny's hand. Guiding her as he smiled. But he took a look at her, and felt concerned. She was butt naked, and was very dirty looking. Her nails were long, and her hair looked very greasy and unkept. But to Sam, she was still pretty. He smiled as he looked at her, and decided to talk to her.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing all the way out here?" Sam asked as Penny didn't say anything. She only followed him for a long while until they reached his home.

"Not much of a talker huh?" Sam asked as Penny still said nothing. "That's alright. Before you go back out why don't you get cleaned up hmm?" Sam asked as Penny blinked at him. Still holding onto his hand as he laughed. "I guess you need help getting to the bathroom." Sam spoke as he took her to the bathroom, and turned on the water.

"Now if this hurts I appologise." Sam spoke, noticing the cuts and bruisses on her skin. He let the water gently touch her back as she whinced. "I'll be back in a moment." Sam spoke as he tried to leave, but Penny tugged on his arm.

"I guess not then. Come on I'll help you." Sam spoke as he helped her clean up. Trimming her nails, cutting her hair, and brushing her teeth, besides the shower she just took. Sam smiled as he wandered out of the bathroom, holding her hand as he went into his closet and digged out something.

"It isn't much but, I always keep some emergency clothing here in case something happens. It seems I only have panties however." Sam spoke as he put the underwear on her, before grabbing out one of his shirts and sliding it over her head. "There, all better." Sam smiled as Penny smiled back. She was trying her best to act like him, and not draw attention to herself. She followed him down the stairs, and sat on the couch with him.

"I'm Sam and it's really nice to meet you." Sam spoke as Penny looked at him. Searching his eyes for any signs of him being like her. But nothing came to mind so she looked away for a moment. Trying to get lost elsewhere as Sam turned her to face him. She smiled as she grabbed onto him and held him tightly. Not wanting to let him go, and he could tell so he relaxed in her arms for a while. Letting her fall asleep as he watched her. Wondering why of all places she would be in the forest.

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