Chapter 9

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"Mhhm..." Sam spoke as he shuffled around a bit before slowly opening his eyes. Seeing he was in a hospital bed, and Penny laid in one right next to him. She was softly asleep, but Sam tried waking her up to no avail.

"Penny?" He asked as Arnold walked into the room.

"Hey guys Sam is awake!" Arnold exclaimed as Ellie and Elvis wandered into the room to see him. Station Officer Steele came as well, but only stayed for a few minutes before quickly having to leave.

"I'm afraid I have to go, Chief Fire Officer Boyce was called for an emergency in Newtown so I need to go back to man the station." Steele spoke as Arnold nodded.

"Rodger that sir." Arnold spoke as Station Officer Steele walked off. The rest of the crew looked at Sam whom smiled back at him.

"Seems I'm doing well?" Sam asked as a doctor walked into the room and nodded.

"Just some minor scrapes and brusses though I suggest you take it easy for the next week." The doctor spoke as Sam smiled and understood. Though he quickly felt down.

"What about Penny?" Sam asked as the doctor smiled at him.

"She is fine as well, just minor bite wounds and scratches. I suggest she takes it easy for a week too." The doctor spoke. "But.. if you four don't mind I need to have a talk with you about her." The doctor spoke.

"Of course. What's up?" Ellie spoke.

"Well it seems she has a lot of old wounds and scars on her body, and I don't know how much more she could stand to take. Especially from an animal like that. After identifying the wounds and scars it seems she has been attacked a lot by wolves in the past." The doctor spoke.

"She was raised by wolves, if that helps you out any." Sam spoke.

"I figured as such that something was going on. We had to take a DNA test to identify her and.. it says she has been missing for over twenty three years now." The doctor spoke.

"Twenty three years? That's insane." Elvis spoke as the doctor looked at him.

"I can assure you that news shocked me as much as it shocks you all. But the best thing we can do for her right now is make sure she is alright mentally. After that I suggest she meets her parrents." The doctor spoke.

"You know her parrents?" Elvis asked as Arnold slapped his forehead.

"Elvis, she took a DNA test of Penny so of course he knows who her parrents are." Arnold spoke.

"Oh." Elvis spoke as the doctor smiled.

"Well thank you for all that news, but I think the three of us will head back to the station now if that's alright? Unless we are needed for something else?" Ellie asked as the doctor shook his head.

"No you three may go and head back to work you are not needed for anything else. Though I do have one more thing." The doctor spoke.

"What is it?" Ellie asked.

"Her parrents are waiting for her outside. I think it's for the best that they see her as soon as possible once she wakes up." The doctor spoke as the three of them nodded.

"Rodger that sir. Uh I mean... that's nice." Arnold spoke as he put a hand behind his head and walked off. Sam and the doctor were laughing as Ellie and Elvis were too. The laughter waking up Penny slowly as she turned to look at her friends.

"Oh it seems she's awake. But I'm afraid we can't stay for long." Ellie spoke as the three of them waved to Penny.

"So sorry Penny. We will see you again as soon as we can." Arnold spoke as Penny smiled and waved back at the three of them before they wandered off. She saw Ellie and Elvis putting their hands on Arnold's shoulder and comforting him before they all wandered out of view.

"Good morning sweetheart." Sam spoke as Penny giggled.

"Saaam." She spoke as he smiled at her.

"Hello. I hear you are fine but... have heard you are to take it easy for a week just in case." Sam spoke as Penny nodded understanding some of what was said as she looked up at the doctor who came back over to where Penny was laying.

"That goes for you too Mr. Jones." The doctor spoke as Sam nodded and laughed.

"Yes I know I know." Sam spoke as there was a knock on the door.

"Ah yes you two you may come on in. I will be out of your way but just call me with the side bed button if you need me for anything."  The doctor spoke as Sam nodded and so did the man and woman who walked into the room.

"Will do. Thanks mr." Sam spoke as the doctor nodded.

"My pleasure Mr. Jones." The doctor spoke as he waved and wandered off. Sam waving back before he left. Looking up now at the man and woman who looked at Penny.

"Oh sweetheart your alright. It's really you I can't even believe it." The woman spoke as Penny cocked her head at her.

"" Penny spoke as Sam laughed.

"I don't think you've learned that word yet." Sam spoke as Penny frowned. "But hey it's oke I can teach you later when your at home hmm?" Sam spoke.

"What do you mean by teach her?" The man asked as Sam put a hand behind his head.

"Uh well it's a very long story. Do you've got time for a story now?" Sam asked as the man and woman both nodded. Now sitting next to their daughter as they took her hands in theirs. Sam telling them the story as they both looked shocked at each moment.

"She's got lots to learn but, the moment I found her she tried so hard to be just like me that I thought nothing was wrong. Come to find out days later however... that wasn't the case and indeed something was wrong. Of course I helped her out, and so did my friends whom you just missed unfortunately. But she's doing so much better now and even works." Sam spoke.

"I am surprised she stayed in that forest. I thought someone woulda found her sooner." The woman spoke.

"But why did you abandon her and leave her there?" Sam asked as the man and woman felt badly.

"We had no choice. Otherwise she wouldn't be here right now. So I think it's for the best that she was there. I just wish it wasn't for over twenty three years my goodness." The woman spoke.

"We never even got to see her grow up, a shame really." The man spoke as Sam's receiver went off.

"Sam, Penny, it's me Arnold." Arnold spoke as he put his hands out as if to shush everyone.

"What's up Arnold? Sam asked.

"Things aren't looking too good here. Just dealing with a huge fire." Arnold spoke.

"Anyway we can help?" Sam asked.

"Yes otherwise I wouldn't be calling you. I will come pick you and Penny up in Jupiter. Ellie and Elvis are already there in Venus. I know you two are supposed to be taking it easy for a week but we have no choice and Newtown all the firefighters are busy dealing with a big chemical spill that happened over there. So we need both of your guys help." Arnold spoke.

"Rodger that Arnold we are on our way. Bring our uniforms over." Sam spoke as he and Penny looked at the man and woman and waved their goodbyes.

"Sorry but we have to go. The family reunion can wait." Sam spoke as Penny nodded and followed behind Sam.

"Already on it." Arnold spoke as he drove to the hospital and parked Jupiter. Sam and Penny running out of there room as the doctor stopped them.

"You two can't leave yet you two aren't cleared to go." The doctor spoke as Sam shook his head.

"There is no time. A huge fire is engulfing somewhere in Pontypandy and me and Penny need to help. We will come back later." Sam spoke as the doctor nodded and he and Penny ran outside.

"Lets go!" Arnold shouted as Penny and Sam nodded and both threw their uniforms on and then put their helmets on as Arnold drove off to the scene of the fire. 

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