Mi Cielo I

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Bible's Pov.

"Things don't always work out the way we want them to."

I was a really terrible person saying those words to the person who loves me and accepted me for who I am.

I'm so selfish that I even thought of what I feel is still the same to the person who suddenly leaves and openly comeback like nothing happens. I was so blind that I use a person as a tool to move on but my mistake is that I didn't realise that my feelings for him are real.


Another hectic day at the company because we had a problem on one of our production that causes the of delayed delivery of item to some sellers.

While reading and reviewing some files Build my secretary suddenly knock.

"Come in." I said

"Excuse me Sir it'is already lunch break and I know you don't like eating at our company canteen so I bought extra food for you, I hope you like it you seemed busy so I leave it here." He place a plastic box with food then leave my office.

Build is my secretary and from the very start I know that he is gay you may ask me why, so here's why...

One he have this hand gestures that you can only see to girl like covering or holding his shirt to his chest.

Two he always blush and shy everytime we talk.

Third I heard him talking to one of his friends if I remember correctly the name of his friend is Apo and they are talking about how Build has feelings for me.

I don't feel disgusted or embarrassed about it, if he admires me thank you but returning his feelings won't happen because of that person.

Build never confess his feelings directly to me but doing this almost everyday I think he is lowkey confessing or maybe he was just really worried and he care for me.

He is a very nice and a friendly person not just to me but to everyone here at the company.

Build's Pov.

I hope Sir Sumettikul likes my cooking like always.

"Biu!" I heard someone called my name and it turns out is was Apo my Best friend.

"Oh hi Po." I greet him when he reach my place where I'm standing.

"I was looking for you everywhere cause you're not are your place and it turns out you're just here delivering your future husband lunch." he tease me.

"Don't tease me Po and him my future husband? I think not, you know that I was already happy just being close to him and by the way Mr. Romsaithong was inside too." I said and after saying that name I saw tge sparkle in his eyes.

"Really? Oh my do I look presentable? What if he walks out and he'll see me looking like this I need to fix myself." He said I want to hold my laughter but I can't

"Hahaha you should see your face Apo." I laugh my lungs out but then I realise some of our co-workers are looking at me. It was embarrassing.

"We really are friends." he commented

"Yes we are and that is forever." I said then wink at him then we both just giggle.

A few minutes later

While typing the needed document for tomorrow's meeting cause Mr. Sumettikul is very precise with his time so finishing and letting him check this now is more convenient for me so I can't also revise it too today.

While workung on in I heard I sudden knock on my table so I look up and there I saw Mr. Bible.

"I was here to return this lunch box and say thank you for always bringing me lunch and again it was a delicious meal I looking forward to it Mi Cielo." he said then leave to enter his office again.

"Oh my that man is really handsome, Is there really only one him? Can you please make another one that can be surely meant for me cause the original is really hard to get." I talk to myself.

After finishing the needed document I knock on his office door.

"Come in" he said so I entered his office and there I saw him reading some documents with his glasses on.

"Sir here are the needed documents for tomorrow please kindly check it and please let me know if there is something to revise thank you Sir I'll excuse myself now" I said then silently scream. He really is handsome.

Bible's Pov.

After checking all the documents that my secretary delivered I stand up from my office chair and then I realised it was now dark outside so I check the time and its already 9:45 pm so I decided to arrage my things then knock off.

When I went outside my office Build is not in his spot anymore but he didn't say his goodbye to me so it was unlikely him cause he always do his goodbye but he didn't do it today.

The light are almost all out so I decided to go down already when I reach the parking lot I ride my car then drive home but one person caught my eye Build is in front of the company maybe waiting for taxi but it was raining heavily so I rolled down my car window.

"Build let me give you a ride." I offer.

"It is ok Sir?" he ask

"Yeah, come on taxi are hard to find specially in a weather like this." after saying that Build ran and open my car door then enter.

The whole time we are both quite no one dares to speak so I open the radio to play some music it was also traffic at the moment so listening to some music is much better than be awkward in silence.

(Playing : Lips of an Angel by Hinder)

When the chorus part come in I heard him sing while looking outside, although his voice is not that loud but it was enough for me to hear.

Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on.

It's really good to hear your voice saying my name,
It sounds so sweet.

Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words, it makes me weak,

And I never wanna say goodbye
But, girl, you make it hard to be faithful.

With the lips of an angel

His voice is really beautiful, he truly has a lips of an angel...

Build's Pov

Mr. Sumettikul open the radio and my favourite song suddenly plays at first I was just humming but then the chorus come in and I can't help myself but sing along while looking outside city lights are really beautiful even the star in sky are so bright after a heavy rain.

Then suddenly I heard Mr. Bible saying singing along with me so I look at him but to my surpire he was also looking at me his eyes are sparkling it was captivating and I'm drowing.

Slowly are faces are getting closer until are nose touch, I close my eyes and then our lips collide it was really magical then I thought to myself.

"Maybe there is a chance for us."

Mi Cielo: A BibleBuild FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now