Mi Cielo IX

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"To clarify things Nate is my first love, But you Mi Cielo is my True love" This is now or never, I won't let you go again Mi Cielo, My Sky.

Bible's Pov.

"Biu listen to me, I know it was hard to believe after all I've done to you but  my feelings are really and won't change. The truth is I'm thankful to Nate because he made me realise that my feelings are not for him anymore. Mi Cielo you are my life and no one else will replace you because you are irreplaceable and about Nate we don't have any romantic relationship and that's the truth, the kid you saw with us is his and his husbands child. " are emotions are all showing now.

" Then why did you say you still love him even though I'm already here? I'm the one who was with you trough everything, you never did say that you like or even love me I didn't hear those words not even once." He is crying while hitting. I let him cause I know it will help him to let go all his anger and stress.

"When did I say I love him? I don't remember." I'm confuse.

"The night when you got drunk at a hot, one of the staff called me. I don't know where you leave so I decided to take you to a hotel, I was about to go get some water but you pull me and s-something h-h-happens t-to us." something happened to us.

"I was really happy because you're the first person I let in but everything crash down and break into pieces when you say I love you I thought to myself that finally you'll be officially mine but you mention you ex name not mine. Bible I was the one with you at that time, I was that one you take care of you when he left you and now you are telling me that you love me. How I'm I supposed to believe you?" So that time when I woke up naked at a hotel he was that one I am with.

" So you mean I did not sleep to any straget but you? " Oh my I thought I made an another mistake.

Build's Pov.

" Biu, ok I'll be honest with you. I'm drunk at that time I don't know anything and I'm still confuse about my feeling for you and Nate. I'm ashame but please give me another chance to prove myself to you and our son." what did he know?

"What are you talking about? Who is out Son?" I ask but how did he know?

"Mi Cielo the truth is I just did fine it now, when you call me I didn't know how to react about you having a son but then you told me he needs a blood transfusion, I got sceptical cause why would you call me for help when you are the father of the child and just now I got a glimpse of him and he looks exactly like me, and there I confirm he is my child. " This jerk is really fast to pick up but not fast at giving back.

" No he is just mine and there's no ours. " I know I'm being selfish right now but I don't wanna get hurt anymore, I already had enough of this pain. I was about to walk away when I heard Nate's voice calling out for Bible

"Nate's looking for you. You should go back to him. I'll take my leave now, bye Bible." I turn around but before I leave Nate stop in front of me and hold me by my shoulders. He looks mad maybe because I'm talking to Bible.

"Where do you think you are going?" He ask me.

"Nate let him go." It's was Phantom. What is he doing here?.

"But Hon I need to talk to him to clear things up." Nate looks like a baby with tantrums.

"Hon it's him and Bible's problem, we should go now our daughter is waiting for us, by the way Build please give Bible a chance." Phantom said and wink at me, and from there Nate and Phantom leaves us.

"See... I told you already Mi Cielo, Nate has a husband now it was Phantom. Yes I do realised my feelings for you late, but even though its late it will last forever so please Biu give me another chance to prove myself and be a father for our child." he said then hug me. It was so warm I miss every inch of him so much.

" I'm sorry Biu, please forgive me. If you want me to court you I'll do it, I'll do anything you want me to do just to make you mine again and if that time come I won't never let you go again never until I die." we're both crying now. This feeling is overwhelming. I'm not mad at him but I'm scared to cry again.

"I'll give you one last chance but please Bible don't ever break my heart again, you already broke me once, I don't know if I can take another one." I said then look into in eyes.

"I won't promise that I will never make you cry again but not in pain but in happiness. I'll do anything and everything to show how much I love you everyday, I love you Mi Cielo." he said and kiss my forehead and cheeks but not my lips, maybe he still feel that I'm not that ready.

We are now back at our sons room and my sister go out to buy some food.
I was leaning that Bible's shoulder then I ask.

" Why aren't you surprised or confused how did we have copper or how is both of us is his parent?" I already give up and tell him the truth about copper when we were walking back our son's room.

"Why would I after all Mile and your friend Apo has their own children now." What Apo is also a carrier?

"Mi Cielo all people know about carriers they're rare but I already encounter a few and now I have you." I should call that best friend of mine not telling me anything.

"Don't think about them anymore lets just focus on our own family from now on." he said the hold my hands.

"Es dificil no quererte"

Mi Cielo: A BibleBuild FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now