Mi Cielo III

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Bible's Pov.

We are now at the meeting room cause we need to discuss about the problems our company is facing now and the things that can help us resolve the said problems.

While I was presenting Build is busy giving the documents to the department heads. He was really dedicated to his work.

He was really beautiful even though he isn't doing anything.

"Hm... Sir are you ok cause you're spacing out." He said while waving his hand in front of my face.

"I'm sorry I just remembered something." then I continue my presentation.

Fast forward

After the meeting me and Build stayed at the meeting room he was arranging the document  and fixing the other materials.

"Are you sure you don't want any help arranging those materials?" I ask cause there's a lot of it.

" Yes Sir I can handle this." he answered not looking at me.

"Mi Cielo you should stop calling me Sir or Mr if its just the to of us. How about calling me by my name Bible." I suggest.

"Isn't that inappropriate? You're my boss and I'm just your employee so calling you by your name alone is rude for me." he really won't give up.

"I didn't mean for you to call me by my name alone when others are around." he seem to realise what I've said now.

"But still it's not right." he is shy what a cute person.

"Mi Cielo it's our first step to know and be close to each other isn't?" I don't want him calling me Sir all the time what if we came to get close more than how close are we now.

"Ok B-Bible." I can sense the awkwardness on his voice.

"Good. By the way Mi Cielo are you free after work?" he looks at me and nod.

"Then if your free wait for me at the parking lot later let's have dinner together." I said then wink at him

"Are you asking on a date?" he ask then smirk at me.

"What if I am?" then I brought my face closer to his face.

I saw him blush. I want to put him in my pocket and bring him everywhere with me.

Build's Pov.

Ever since this man start to know my feelings for him he always tease me what a shameless man. Well I'm shamless too.

I was busy arranging my stuff cause it was already time when I heard Mr. Bible

"Are you done?" he asked

"Yes Si- I mean Bible." It was hard to call him by his name alone.

"Come on I already done a reservation at a restaurant."

We arrived at the restaurant and the interior was beautiful it has a really refreshing vibes.

"Good evening sir here are the menu." the waiter gives us the menu.

Then I was the prices. "This was almost half of my salary." I said to myself

"Mi Cielo is there any problem?" I look at him so I shake my head as a no.

"I'll have the streak with asparagus and mashed potatoes please." he ordered

"I'll just have the same please."I said cause I don't know anything about this type of cuisines and more importantly I hope I had the many to pay for it.

"Build you can choose something that you like and it's my treat to this is our dinner date anyway." he said I was kind a relieve because I'm not going to pay.

"No its fine." I said and smile.

After eating we decided to go to a near park to have some fresh air before going home.

"Thank you for thanking me here and for the dinner too."I said

" Your welcome Mi Cielo and thanks to you too because somehow I forgot about him. " He said but who is him?

" Bible you don't need to answer if you don't want to but I really want to ask who is Him? I was curious to know.

"It was my Nate my first love and  my first relationship." So he still can't gey over with him.

"Don't get me wrong Biu I'm not using you because I still not over him. Yes I still do have feelings for him after all we had so many memories and we have been together for a long time." He started.

"But it's been three years since we broke up and I didn't think about ttying again and then you came. Biu I'm honest with you when I say, I want us to try cause I know loving you is not hard to learn so promise me don't lose hope on me." He added, I do feel his sincerity but I can't help to feel hurt cause he was still in love with his past.

"I don't want to promise anything but one thing is for sure I'm willing to wait for you." I'll wait for you but please don't take to long.

After saying that Bible hugs me so I hug him back.

We're now infront of my apartment complex and I was about to go down when Bible stop me and said.

"I'll see you tomorrow good night." he said and kiss my forehead. It was a sweet gesture of him.

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow good nighy to you too Bible." I said then get out of the car.

I wait for him to go until my eyes can't reach him before I get inside.

When I enter my room I lay down on my bed and scream silently like crazy today was a really great day I hope mext time we go out like this we were finally official.

But it still bothers me I trust him but I can't help to think negatively about his intentions to me. He is sincere I can see it in his eyes but what if his first love cameback? what if that time he comeback Bible is still in the process of learning to love me? I can't think straight everytime I think about Nate... It is really true that

"If the start was unsure, expect it to end unsure"

Mi Cielo: A BibleBuild FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now