Mi Cielo V

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Bible's Pov.

It's been exactly three years since that incident happened and that day is also the last day I saw Build, My Sky.

I was a really terrible person for not properly showing what I really feel towards him. I thought I'm still in love with Nate but it turns out that I already moved on and I already fall in love with Build but it's to late when I realise it.

After our fight I had a meeting so I didn't get to visit him at his aparment, and when the night comes I rushed to his aparment complex but his landlord said the he left hurriedly at noon.

I was really devastated that day. I also discovered that the night at the bar the one who fetch me was Build and there, I realised that something happened between us. What a terrible and shameless person I am. I hope he was doing ok and fine.

Build's Pov.

While I was busy arranging and packing some things, I heard a little guy's voice calling out for me.

"Pa! Pa!" this guy really likes to call me when I'm busy, so I stand up and get near him. I want to pinch his cheeks but I don't want to make him cry, that is why he should be thankful that he is cute.

" Yes little man?" I ask then lift him up.

"Milky" he said then clap his hands cutely.

My baby's name is Copper two years and three months old baby boy. To be honest he really looks like his dad and the only thing that I'm proud of is that we at least have the same smile.

So even though Bible and I didn't end up together, I'm still thankful and greatful to him because he gave me a small version of him.

Having Copper in my life is enough for me, I'm happy and contented now.


Upon arriving at my apartment, I pack all my things cause Bible might follow me here. After packing all my stuff, I searched for my landlord to give back the keys and say my goodbye.

It's not that I don't want to see Bible ot was just I'm embarrassed of me pushing my feeling to him. He was a great guy but I don't want to lock him up beside me, so I rather be far away and alone, than having him with me while seeing him suffering and not finding the person his heart desires.

After leaving the apartment complex I took a taxi and I ask the driver to take me to this address.

After and hour or two I have arrive at my grandparents house. I paid the taxi driver then get down.

"Its been a long time since I came here, the air is really relaxing." I took a deep breath then exhaled.

I was about to knock at the door when my grandmother open it. When she saw me her face went shock.

"My grandson Biu, I miss you so much." she hugged me so I hug her back.

"I miss you to grandma. By the way where's grandpa?" I ask her cause it seem like grandpa isn't with her.

"Your grandfather was at the lake with his frienda fishing." she explained.

My grandma let me enter their house and when I was about to sit down she ask me about my luggage.

"Why do you have that big luggage with you? Are you planning to stay here?" she asked me.

"Grandma the truth is I was fired at my work. I can't pay my rent at the apratment to I'm planning so stay here with you, while I'm still finding a new job. Can I stay if not I'll go back home?" Sorry grandma I don't want you to know about my heart break. Its better to keep it myself.

"Of course it's ok my dear. You can stay as long as you want." she said and smiled at me. My grandmother really is the best.

Fast forward...

Its been two months and I'm still staying here at my grandparents place, and I also got a job in a flower shop near our house.

One morning when I was about to eat I smelled something unpleasant it was so disgusting so I ran and the bathroom then vomit but nothing is coming out. My head was hurting too so I called my co-worker cause I couldn't come to work.

All day I was just laying at my room eating food that I don't usually like. I don't know but I'm craving something sour and spicy, so I came down to the kitchen to get some unripe mango and hot sauce for the dip.

And that cycle repeats everyday so my grandfather ordered me to see a doctor. " Biu tomorrow you should get yourself check even your co-workers are worried. They said that even at work you are vomiting." he said.

So the next day I visited an hospital to get myself check. The doctor did some test to identify what's wrong with me. So I wait outside his room.

" Mr. Puttha, please come on in."One of the assistant nurse said.

I entered the room and take my sit infront of the doctor.

"Good morning Mr. Puttha I'm Doc Thea an OB gyne."She intrude himself.

" Good morning too Doc." I'm confuse why does a man like me has to talk to a specialist on child birth?

" You maybe confuse why does an OB need to you? Well Mr. Puttha are you familiar with Carriers? "she asked and I nod my head as a yes.

"Good and don't be to surprised but you're one of them, and you are currently 2 months pregnant, Congratulations." The thing that she said is still processing in my head. This isn't real I'm a man.

"Doc can we try and check the test again?" this is unbelievable.

"We already run the test three time Mr. Puttha but the reault is still the same. You are pregnant." she said.

End fo flashback

And that is where I discover that I can conceive a child and there is a chance for me and Bible to be happy together and build our own family, but fear engulfed me, and the feeling of being rejected eaten me up.

Mi Cielo: A BibleBuild FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now