Mi Cielo IV

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Build's Pov.

It's been a year since Bible and and became close but still don't have label even though we still don't have it I'm still happy he is treating me nice and I alread met his parents and brother they were also nice they treat me like their own family member.

But this past few days Bible had been so busy with outside meeting but I was confused because even though his meeting was outside the company I'm also going with him and I don't know if I'm over thinking things but his starting to get cold towards me.

Like there was a time when I ask him if we could go to my parents house since he already introduce me to his parents even though it was just as a friend but he just said he was busy and didn't even look at me then leave.

He was not like that before because evertime he is busy he will say it to me and he still make time to meet me even for a short time but not of those happened.

It was already evening today was my off so I don't have anything to do but just eat and sleep but then while I was scrolling on my social media my phonr suddenly rings and there I saw Bibles name.

"Hello Bible why did you call?" I ask but I heard another voice.

"Sorry sir I'm a staff here at a bar and Mr. Bible is really drunk here you were the last person he called you I called you. Sir please go to this address Mr. really needs help." He said so I put down the call and get ready.


hen I reach the bars address I enter the establishment and there I saw Bible dead drunk at the counter near the bartender.

"Good evening sir you must be Mr. Build I'm the one who called you I'm Tong by the way."He said then guide and help me to help Bible to get up. I said my thank you and left the bar my house was far from here and it was already late so I ask the taxi driver to drive to the nearest hotel.

When we arrive at the hotel I book a room for him to stay. When we enter  the room I tuck him on the bed and was about to get some wet towels to wipe him but then he suddenly pulls me and that ended up me being on top of him.

I look at him and he was looking at me then said. "You look every beautiful." it make me blush.

While looking at each other he suddenly kiss me at first I was confused but later on I gave in a kiss him back then I was taken a back when he change our position he saw now on top of me then he continue to kiss me.

The kiss became slow then it slowly going down to my neck his kisses was intoxicating and addicting. While kissing I didn't realise that both of us don't have anything on we're both completely naked.

Then for the first time of my life I had given up myself to the first person that I truly love the most.

"I love you Bible" I said

"I love you too......Nate" He answered before he sleeps.

Hearning those words was music to my ears but hearing others name sends millions of thorns to my heart.

I thought you finally move on to him. I thought you will learn to love me back but I was wrong cause to you I'm just a tool for you to move on.

He was now sleeping soundly but I was crying silently. "Maybe we aren't destined love to each other. I'm sorry if I keep pushing myself to you, So from now on I'm letting you go my love be happy to whoever make you happy that isn't me."I said while looking at him with tears in my eyes.

Mi Cielo: A BibleBuild FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now