Mi Cielo II

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Build's Pov.

We are on our own worlds kissing when suddenly a car horn was heard that make both of us flinched.

"Oh Sir, there's on car in front of us we should keep moving now." I said awkwardly then look again outside.

"Yeah, w-we s-should totally d-do that." He and while he was stuttering then continue to drive.

"Oh my that kiss was magical, but why did he kiss me? Oh my gosh this is really awkward how will I face him now?" I thought to myself.

The atmosphere became more akward that before only the music can be heard.

Bible's Pov.

I didn't know what comes into me that I suddenly kiss him, but not gonna lie his lips was soft it kinda taste like strawberry to be honest.

He was now again looking outside his face was red like a tomato it was cute actually.

After a few more minutes of drive we're now infront of this old apartment house where he was staying.

"Thank you for the ride Sir." He said and was about to go out the car but I stop him.

"Wait I want to talk about something." I started. "Build you like me don't you?" I ask.

Then I saw the shock in his face that also says how did you know that?

" I heard you a couple of times talking about me and your feelings with your friend if I remember clearly his name si Apo" I said

"Sir I'm very sorry about that, I don't mean any harm or I'm nit expecting anything back from you. Yes sir I do like you, no I just don't like you but I love you sir but you don't need to return those feelings to me sir your nit obligated to do so." He explain in the verge of crying.

" No Mi Cielo don't cry please the truth is I opened this topic is because I want to try to love again. I want to try thinking that someday I can finally return your feelings would you help me? " I ask.

Although he was still surprised by the question he slowly nod in approval and that what's make me happy so I hug him tight.

Build's Pov.

" Thank you Build and I'm hoping you can help me to love again" He said while still hugging me.

I don't know if approving to this will do me good but I'm still hoping for a good result and if helping him means I'll be with him for a long time and be closer I won't regret my decision and I'm also hoping that someday you'll love me back so that I can officially call you mine.

I'm now inside my room and I still can't believe that this is happening to me my boss, MY BOSS wants to try to love again and he wants to try it with me.

"F*ck I can't sleep. Mr Sumettikul please be responsible to my feelings!!" I shout. It was so frustrating because of how handsome and gentle he is I can't help but fall harder.

Morning came and here I am again at my place the secretary's desk. Mr Bible isn't here yet so I decided to check tge document and other materials that we'll bring at the meeting later. After checking the materials I came down to get some coffee and there I met Apo who looks wasted.

"Hey Apo what happened to you, you look wasted?" I ask worriedly cause this guys is a clean freak he likes being presentable and his wearing the same suit his wearing yesterday.

"Biu I'm really wasted, not just wasted I'm also doomed." he said then start crying. What happen to this guy?

"You know what let's go to the lobby and let's talk about that problem of yours I still have 30 mins to spare come on." I said then pull him.

We arrive at the lobby and we seated at the available table and chairs.

"So what happened to you yesterday? You didn't even give me a ride home." He usually give me a ride home but yesterday he didn't wait for me.

"The truth is something happened to me and Mr. Romsaithong." he started.

"What happen, did you fight? Did you suddenly confess without thinking?" I ask cause he isn't being specific.

"Biu we had sex." WHAT! This guys just had sex with his ultimate crush?!

"You mean he puts his d*ck ins-" he cut my words

"Shhhh... Yes he did but I don't know how it happens the only thing that I remember is that I was at the bar drinking coz P'Sprite called me then the next thing I new is that I was already in bed completely naked with Mr. Romsaithong beside me also naked." he explain. This guy is really something he was just telling me the other day that he wants his future partner to be his first.

" What did Mr. Romsaithong said to you? " he look at me nervously.

" I did not wait for him to wake up I was really embarrassed of what happened so I left his house and him still sleeping." he didn't even wait for Mr. Romsaithong to wake up?

"What if there is just a misunderstanding and nothing really happened after all you said your drunk and couldn't remember a single thing." there's a possibility that nothing happens right?

"Biu I know I'm a virgin until last night but one thing is for sure I'm not anymore because my butt hurts and there's a blood stain at the bed." Oh my so I'm the only virgin.

"Well we can't undo what happen now Po and good luck to that." I pat his shoulders.

"I just hope he won't remember anything." I hug him for a bit then leave him cause Mr. Sumettikul might come anytime I need to be there at my desk when he comes.

When I arrive at the elevator Mr. Bible also had arrive.

"Good morning Mi Cielo." he greet me.

"Good morning to you too Sir. By the way if it is rude to ask." I greet him back

"No it's not what is it?" he ask

"Sir you've been calling me Mi Cielo what does it mean?" I ask cause I been hearing him calling me that.

"I'll let you know one day but let's keep it a secret for now and don't you dare search the meaning of it ler me tell you when the time comes." He said then wink at me.

After our conversation the elevator door opens to we go to our specific places.

I don't know the meaning of it and I'm willing to wait until you tell me the real meaning of it but the only thing I really want right now is...

"Ámame, Por Favor."

Mi Cielo: A BibleBuild FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now