Mi Cielo X

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After 1 year.

Build's Pov.

It's been a year now since we decided to fix our relationship, Bible has been doing anything to pursue me and our son knows about him now, he visit us almost everyday and if he doesn't have the chance to visit because of his tight schedule he will surely call just to check on us. Bible is really responsible and true to his words, it was surreal cause I thought this day will never come but here we are now and I think its also the time already.

Bible's Pov.

One year, one year of pursuing Biu and I can't be more happy. I can say that our relationship is now closer than before and I'm still hoping that one of this days he will fully accept me in his life again together with our son.

Fast forward

After attending some of my scheduled meetings, I decided to visit them both since its also Biu's birthday but before going I visit a local bakery to buy a small cake, then a flower shop to get my order which are blue roses.

When I arrive at their house, it was quite so I think maybe Biu is in the bedroom with our son so I put the cake and the flower on top of the counter then go upstairs but to my surprise, there is no one inside the room. I open the other room but still there is no Biu and Copper anywhere. I tried calling him but it cannot be reached, so I call her sister but she said Biu is not there and she did not get to talk to him since this morning.

I was really worried, he didn't even tell me where he is going. Did he finally decided to leave me for good? Did he realise that he can give me another chance and he can't love me like before?

Build's Pov.

We arrive at our house when I saw Bible's car park outside. I was out getting some ingredients for our simple dinner and my birthday celebration.

"I thought he will come late today?" I ask myself because he called saying that he will arrive late but it was still early.

I get all the grocery bags inside the trunk then enter the house and there I saw Bible crying while sitting at the couch.

"Hey Bible what happen?" I ask then put all the grocery bags down.

He look up to me and hug me like there is no tomorrow.

"I thought you leave me for good and you finally realised that you can't give me another chance to prove myself, I thought you can't love me like be-" I cut him off by covering his mouth.

"You talk and think to much. I was just getting some grocery for our dinner later cause you said you'll be late and can't have lunch with me." this guy overthink things.

"I just thought that. You already leave once and I can't let that happen again. By the way where is Copper?" he ask.

"Mom and Dad visit yesterday so I ask them to babysit Copper for a couple of days." The truth is I ask them to take our son for a while.

"Oh so it's just the two of us, can I sleep here tonight?" that question made me blush. I know he already sleeps here a couple of times but Copper ask him too.

"Yes y-you c-can." Why I'm I stuttering he will just sleep nothing will happen.

"By the way lets go at the kitchen I need to prepare the ingredients for later." I ask him so he help me bring the bags to the kitchen.

Bible's Pov.

"Mi Cielo flowers for you and a cake for your birthday, Happy Birthday Mi Cielo I love you." I told him then kiss his forehead. He smile at me, what a beautiful person.

"Blue roses its pretty but why blue roses?" he ask me.

"Well they are  rare, as well as their color reminds me of you and it is unique among the other flowers in the garden just like you, you're the only one for me." I sound like an old man.

"Thank you very much Bible, I appreciate it so much." He thank me then kiss my cheek. This is the first time he does that.

Evening comes and Biu is finally done cooking our meal he was now taking a shower and  changing his clothes while I set up the table, I even put a candle and petals around the table.

"Bible I told you to just set the table up but whats with the candle and rose petals around us?" he ask laughing.

"Isn't it romantic?" I ask confused.

"It us romantic but you'll be the one cleaning that after." he said.

I guide him to sit and insist that I'll be the one to serve the food he cooks for our simple dinner tonight.

(Even though Biu isn't really good at cooking. Boiling cucumbers baby~ Peace)

We're done eating our meal when Biu ask him.

"Bible are you really sure you want to continue this courting thing?" he ask me.

"Yes I want to continue this until you finally accept me again in your life." I getting nervous about his question and his tone how he ask the question.

"Bible stop courting me I don't want it anymore." he said serious.

"But Biu I can't, I told you I won't stop courting you until you finally let me in so no I'm not stopping even if you want me too." is he rejecting me now.

Build's Pov.

"But I want you to stop, I don't want you courting me anymore its annoying." he stand up of his chair and get his bag and was about to go out.

"Biu I'm not having this conversation with you and even if you say stop I won't, not until your back again in my arms." he said and was about to walk away when I hug him from behind.

"Bible you didn't even ask me why I want you to stop courting me." he look at me.

"Mi Cielo I know you're rejecting me that's why you want me to stop so whats the point of asking right?" This guy is a slow poke can't he see I'm hugging him right now.

"You should still ask me why." I insist.

"Then why? Why do you want me to stop?" he is about to cry.

"I want you to stop not because I was rejecting you, but because I'm now accepting you again, I love you Bible and it didn't changed not even for a second."I explain his face was now in shock.

"Y-you m-mean y-you are my B-boyfriend n-now?" he is stuttering what a cute boy.

I nod my head as a sign of saying yes. He is now jumping around like a five year old kid who just ate lots of chocolate. He held my face and look into my eyes.

"Thank you for giving me a chance, I love you so much." he put his forehead into mine.

"Thank you for waiting my luve, and I love you too." our eyes lock ti each other and then the gap between us is slowly closing until our lips collide and the rest of its history.

It was supposed to be the last chapter but I think I'll do another chapter next week and it will be the epilogue.

Happy Birthday Biu💙.

Mi Cielo: A BibleBuild FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now