Mi Cielo VII

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Bible's Pov.

After the meeting I was hoping to see Build again but I didn't see him anywhere until I left the company.

For the past three years I've been searching places for him, I even searched abroad, I also contacted several investigator.

Fast forward

I was was about to go out when my phone suddenly ring but it was from unknown number so I didn't answer it, specially now there's a lot of spam calls.

After a few minutes my phone started to ring again but this time I answered the call.

"If you need someon to play with don't-" I was caught of guard when I heard a very familiar voice.

"Bible." His voice was a music to my ear. " I need your help. " he continue

"Build, did  there something wrong happen to you?" I ask, his voice seems shaky.

"Bible, please can you go to ****** Hospital right now, I really need yout help?" he ask, the tone of his voice sound desperate. I don't know why but my sense seems to understand but my brain don't

"Ok I'll be there in a few minutes wait for me Mi Cielo." after hearning that I didn't bother to ask further more, so I drive my car as fast as I can.


When I arrvie at the hospital lobby I didn't bother to ask the nurses at tge reception counter but instead just run as fast as I can to find Build and there he is sitting in front of the intensive care unit.

When he saw me, he stand up then hug me tight then he start to cry.

"Bible please help my son, I can't lose him please." I was shock hearing that he already has a son. So that means he already have a family but why didn't he call me to helo his son?

"Don't worry Mi Cielo I'll help you please stop crying." I was still confused but I'll do anything for him.

We were still on that position when the doctor came out of the room.

"Good Afternoon Mr. Puttha did you already find a blood donor?" the doctor ask worried "Your son condition is getting worst the transfusion is really needed right now." he continue

"What was the blood type needed doc?" I ask cause maybe both and the baby match.

"Sir the patient needs a type O blood." we have the same blood type.

"Then doctor I'll donate I'm type O." I present myself.

"Ok please wait here for a while and we'll prepare the tools and the room needed for tge transfusion if you'll excuse me." The doctor then leave us to prepare.

"Don't worry Build your son will be fine I'll now that we was strong just like his father." I caressed his hair.

Build's Pov.

If you know the truth, that he was your son will you still do the same? Will you accept us or just him?

The doctor was now in the room with Bible to get the right amount of blood for the transfusion.

I was now a the small chapel inside the hospital.

"Lord please heal my son, he is the only thing that's left and given to me by Bible, please don't take him away from me, I'm begging you." I don't want to ruined Bible's family but my sister is right I need to out down my pride for my sons sake.

After praying at the chapel I came back in front of the ICU when the doctor walk towards me.

"Mr. Puttha we're going to transfer the blood to your son now, but for the meantime please look out for Mr. Sumettikul for a while he was now at the recovery room sleeping." after saying that he walks back inside the ICU with two nurses.

When I enter the room where they put Bible I saw him sleeping, so I walk towards his bed the sit beside him.

" If you didn't help me, I don't know if my son will evenr make it. Thank you so much Bible I own you really big." I said.

"The go on a date with me if you're really thankful." all this time, this man was awake and listening to me?

"Bible I can do anything but that." I don't want to have an affair. I don't like being a mistress.

"Why not? Oh yeah. I forgot you already have a family. I'm sorry for my rudes Build." He said, seems disappointed. After saying that the atmosphere became silent and awkward.

To be honest I want to tell him about Copper ever since before way back when I knew about my pregnancy, but I didn't get the chance to do so cause I saw him with a guy and he called him Nate. Maybe they get back together officially after I left and they're really perfect for each other. They seem to complete each other. Seeing that brings thousands of thorns to my heart but I don't want to ruined them so I suffered in loneliness and sadness alone. My, myself and I.

"Bible thank you for saving my son, I really do appreciate your help and this will also be the last time." I smiled at him

"Build please don't leave me again."He  sit up on his bed.

"I've been searching for you everywhere and now that I finally saw you again do you think I'll let you leave again. Yes I know I've been a jerk thinking that I was still inlove with Nate but I'm not and he also made me realise my true feeling but not for him but for you. " his voice was full of sadness on it.

"But we can't Bible didn't you see in the past? We ended up hurting each other so trying again will just lead as to be in more pain." I want us to try again for our son but cheating is wrong.

"Look Build I know you already have your own family but I'm still willing to wait for you, even if waiting means forever." this guy is he out of his mind.

"Bible please stop that, think about your own family if you do that what would they think about you? " I ask him

"But I'm not on any kind of relationship. After you left , I busy myself to everything that's possible, I was looking for you everywhere, Build you're my life, so even if you have your own family now I'm still going to wait, thats how I love you Mi Cielo." I don't want to believe him, cause I know what I saw.

" Please stop hurting me, I already had enough."

Mi Cielo: A BibleBuild FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now