Mi Cielo VI

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Build's Pov.

Today is another work day. I'm currently working at a company and yet again as a secretary of Mr. Tong Thanayut.

After giving birth to Copper my sister help me on taking care of him, so I can also find na job to give and provide my son's needs. The I came across on a website that post about vacant jobs and there I saw Mr. Tanayut is looking for a guy secretary so the next day I ask my sister to take care of Copper for a while.

When I arrive at the company I ask the guard where will tge interview will held and he guide to to the seventh floor. When I reach the seventh the there's already a few people waiting for their turn to be interviewed.

The interview when fast and now it was my turn, I enter the office and there was Mr. Thanayut sitting at his swivel chair.

"Good Morning Sir."I greet him then he just motion his hands for me to take a sit.

"I have read your resume and here it says that you already had an experience as a secretary." He said still reading what's written on my resume.

"You do have a really good work background Build and congratulations you're hired for the the position you can start tomorrow." He said and then he reach his hand towards me and I accept it.

"Thank you very much Sir and don't worry I'll do my best to fulfill my job."I said then I did my goodbye.

And the rest of its history.

I'm currently working on a document when Mr. Thanayut called me on the intercom.

" Yes Sir, do you need anything? "I ask

" Please organize all the need documents I need later on the meeting and Build don't forget to notify me if Mr. Sumett has arrive." He said

" Yes Sir I'll do it now. " the he hung up the phone.

I was busy checking other documents from the marketing department when I heard a cough sound, so I turn around and their I saw Bible, we're both shocked seeing each other right here, right now.

"What are you doi-" I was cut of when Mr. Thanayut came out of his office and said...

"Oh Mr. Sumettikul your early for our meeting." He walk towards Bible then they shake each others hand.

So Bible is here because of the deal between him and Mr. Thanayut. I didn't expect him to be him since my boss called him Sumett.

This is really frustrating why do we need to see each other again. I don't like being associated to him anymore. I already set him free so why does this f*ck*ng destiny, playing with us?

Bible's Pov.

I didn't expect that the person I've been looking for so long was here now in front of me. His face was still beautiful as ever.

He was about to finish what was he saying when Mr. Thanayut came out of his office.

We are currently talking about the project deal that we will be launching for next couple of months but I can't focus cause my eyes our fix towards Build he was busy reading and explaining some information about the possible outcome of the project.

"Earth to Mr. Sumettikul we've been spacing out is there a problem Sir.?" My secretary slightly pat my back.

"Yeah, I'm ok just remembered something." I can't take my eyes off him.

Fast forward

The meeting is finally done so my secretary and I decided to leave. Build is now no where to found, he excuse himself cause he receive a sudden call and he said it was his sister who is calling.

Build's Pov.

"Hello Phi, I'm in the middle of a meeting can I'll call you back later ok." I was about to end the call but she stop me.

"Copper was in a hospital now, the doctor said he was in sa critical contidion." I thought is was just a normal fever so I still get to work today.

"Ok, wait for me. I'm going now." I said then get my back I didn't bother to say goodbye to my boss because of fear not seeing my son now.

When I arrive at the the hospital I sae my sister sitting at the coridor chairs.

"Phi what happen to copper?" I didn't think that his slight fever will come to this point. I'm such a jerk for leaving my son.

"An hour after you leave thr house while I was preparing his food, I heard him cry and there I saw his nose was bleeding, then he also started to vomit. I still don't why but the doctor is still doing some test to identify what happened to him." She said then hug me. I was shaking I can't think straight what if something bad happen to my son? His the only thing that Bible leaves to me. I can't lose him too.

After waiting for a couple of minutes the doctor finally came out.

"Doc hows my is he ok?" I hope his fine please, let him be fine.

"Your son is positive to dengue and his state is critical, only about two out of patients face complications like your son, so it's require blood transfusion." the doctor explains to us.

"Doc what blood type does my nephew need?" my sister ask

"He needs blood type O, is any one of you has a blood type O?" oh my both me and my sister our A.

"Doc do you have any stored blood type O?" I was really desperate.

"O is a really rare blood type so we don't have any as of now." he said "For now your son is under observation at the ICU you can visit him there, I'll leave you for now to call other hospital and ask if they have any type O available so if you'll excuse me." we say our thank you.

"Why don't you ask for his fathers help?" my sister suggest

"Phi he doesn't need to know about my son, I don't want to ruined his perfect life now with his own family. I don't need his help." I know I'm being selfish but Bible has his own life and family now, I don't wanna ruined it.

"But Biu this is your son we're talking to. He was in a critical condition and he needs blood. Please put down your pride and think about your son. Please his father is our only hope, I'll go home for a while to get some clothes and other things we need and please think about it, for your son's sake."He pat may head then leave.

Mi Cielo: A BibleBuild FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now