Mi Cielo VIII

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Build's Pov.

"Bible what we had was already in the past, the only thing that we need to do now is to move on, and that's what I'm doing now." Seeing him hurts me to I want to hug him till he feel love but I can't.

"Build is this really our end?" tears started to flow down his eyes. I can't watch but I'm determined to show him that what happens in the past won't be part of our present specially our future.

"Bible you already have Nate. I'm sure you don't need me, you just saw me that is why now you are confuse." I saw him with Nate several times with a little girl, looks like my son age.

"Mi Cielo I told you already Nate and I ain't lover nor husband. You're the only one I love, no one else and how are you so sure about our relationship? Nate already has his own family and Your all I been waiting for, so if your still not ready, I'll wait for you. " I can see determination in his eyes but I'm scared to gamble in love again.

"Bible please yo-" My words were cut off when a man suddenly enters and hug Bible.

"Oh my Bible are you ok? What happen to you? Why are you here at the hospital?" It was Nate, he was really worried about Bible and then again I feel left out and out of the picture.

"Nate nothing bad happens to me." he answered and then again my presence is not existing, so I get out of the room.

"You said you love me but as soon as he showed up you forget that I was there."I whisper to my self. While I was walking I suddenly bump into a man.

"I'm sorry was in a hurry." he said then help me get up. He looks like a foreigner or maybe half.

"It's ok, I'm not looking too." I said then look at him he seems to finding something or maybe someone.

"I'm really sorry. Here is my business card, I'm go now." Phantom Wales, that was the name written at the card.

Bible's Pov.

"Nate I'm ok nothing bad happened to me." his hugging me so tight I can't breathe properly.

"But your secretary said that you are rushing going here, so we thought you are feeling sick, but why are you laying here at the hospital bed, you also look pale." he ask the let go of our hug.

"Build called me to help his son, cause it needs a blood transfusion." then I look at my right side but to my surpires Build is not there anymore where did he go?

I was about to search for him outside when the door opens and Nate husband enters.

"Hey, Bible are you feeling ok now?" He ask me then sit beside his husband.

"Hon, Bible is ok thanks God and his just here because his helping his friend son." Nate answer.

"But Bible where are you going? You still need to rest." Phantom said.

"No, I need to find Build he was just here when you enter Nate." I said then put my shoes on.

"Wait is that Build? Oh my maybe he get the wrong idea and think that we are together." Nate has a point because while we we're talking he always talks about my relationship to Nate.

Build's Pov.

My son is now in the recovery room and his complexion is back to normal, thanks to his father.

"Biu is everything ok?" my sister who just got here say.

"Phi, I talk to Bible and he said he wants us to get back together, but I can't get myself to fully believe him, he told me that Nate and him are not in any type of relationship, I was close to believing but then Nate comes in, and then again I was ignored like I didn't exist at the first place. " I was now crying. It hurts so much because up until now Bible is lying to me I thought he change but he didn't.

"Biu what if you misunderstood something?" my sister said and it made me confused cause why would she say that.

"Look he won't beg you if he do really have a relationship with another man. Why don't you give him a chance to explain everything?" But why would I do that, when something happens between us he see's me as someone else then, I always see him with Nate happily eating or going places with a little girl and then now Nate visited him and there I'm forgotten so how should I believe him.

"Phi you know I still love him to the core but I can't bring myself to believe him, I'm nothing compare to Nate, he has it all and his Bible's true love and I'm just a mere employee who push himself to a person who will never be mine." It hurts so bad, why do I still love him? Why I cannot move on?

Bible's Pov.

I was now outside his son's room listening to him and his sister.

"Phi you know I still love him to the core but I can't bring myself to believe him, I'm nothing compare to Nate, he has it all and his Bible's true love and I'm just a mere employee who push himself to a person who will never be mine." I can't take it anymore so I barge in.

" Do you really think that?" He looks at me surprised same to his sister.

I get near him then pull him.

"Phi, I'll borrow your brother for a while we need to talk and work things out." The I continue to pull him until we reach the parking lot.

"Bible let me go. There is nothing we need to talk about anymore." he was pulling his hands away from me but I'm much stronger than him.

When we reach the my car we stop infront of it the I let go of his hands.

"To clarify things Nate is my first love, But you Mi Cielo is my True love" This is now or never, I won't let you go again Mi Cielo, My Sky.

Mi Cielo: A BibleBuild FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now