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At Desai mansion............

Reena had taken over her father's business, who was a stakeholder in KGF and  a high rank associate.she used the money to open school for underprivileged kids in her area and did some charity works.she yielded the power to do some good in society and whoever came in her way was crushed by her goons....she had quite established her own small kingdom without a king. Reena was that kind of girl-hungry for power and control, but her father never understood her importance, she was albeit spoilt by her father and got whatever she wanted after her mother's death but still wasn't considered as heir...her father had some other plans..he wanted her to get married to kamal -who was son of a strong ally and was a strong ruffian deemed worthy to take over his business..Reena had no choice and had to marry him as she wanted that power which she can get only by marrying Kamal until she met Rocky...Rocky turned her world upside down and taught her so many new things..he brought new meaning to her life...after losing her mother at such a young age she forgot what love feels like...she wanted to be strong and being surround by cold-hearted people her heart hardened like a stone too and she built a wall around her.but Rocky...he was having none of it...he saw her for the first time and being a simple and straightforward guy fell in love instantly..he gets what he likes and nothing in the world can stop him..he broke the walls that Reena built around her and convinced her that love do exist. both bonded over the loss of their respective mother whom they loved and hit off instantly but fate had some other plans...when the time came..Reena became the mother of their child.............the world that they made together came cashing down..

didn't we almost had it all??? ALMOST....

Rocky and Reena remind me of Thomas and Grace from PEEKY BLINDERS!!!!! ANYWAYS back to Rocky and Reena (sorry I got distracted >-<)

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Rocky and Reena remind me of Thomas and Grace from PEEKY BLINDERS!!!!! ANYWAYS back to Rocky and Reena (sorry I got distracted >-<)

But now Reena had totally accepted the fact that Rocky and she can't be together anymore and made peace with it somehow....and when the memories come rushing when she's alone in her room she consoles herself by saying that her Rocky is thriving in KGF and is alive and well...she was well uptodate with Rocky's day to day life and content to watch him from afar...

what if they can't be together now.....they can be together in some another life may be...in some parallel universe where both of their mother is alive and well and Rocky and Reena got married in their presence and were living a simple life...away from all these nonsense ......she was happy that she met Rocky..who gave her a new life..and now she's paying him back by giving him-his new life...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I just started writing this story just for fun..to kill time since my exams got over...never knew that someone would actually like it.. I almost abandoned this story :-/

love y'all ..stay healthy..stay smashing............. <3<3


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