chapter 15: perfect storm

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there was chaos inside the office...Martin had placed some mobs along with the employee and the employees were bribed with lots of cash and amenities for doing the strike.Martin had also bought the allies of Reena and made them join his side so that Reena was totally cornered there.

while back in kgf...

Rocky: so Martin how long have you been in this business?

Martin: I was dealing with guns and arms in Sri Lanka but then had to  come back to India due to some "emergency" and had to take over my family business...

Rocky: do I know your family..

Martin:n-n--noo not at family business was not significant at wouldn't know my all..

Rocky: well I didn't talk about your father, did I??

Martin: uh...

Rocky: oh why do you look so worried.....I was just messing with you *starts laughing*

Martin: laughs nervously

man1: Rocky boss...workers want to see you at mines..

Rocky: tell them I am coming...

Martin: I will come with you too...


while back in Bombay..

Reena: what's going on here...what are you people doing....

Right then Shekhar comes from nowhere

Shekhar: looks like Rajendra Desai's daughter Reena Desai is in trouble shall I help you?

Reena:what are you doing here ?did Rocky send you? Shekhar help me find Ajit I can't contact him..

Shekhar: yes Rocky boss did send me....but  not to help you but to finish you.......

Reena: what are you talking about Rocky would never do dare you talk me like that....I will kill you myself..

Shekhar: I dont know if you are brave or plainly have the courage to threaten me in this situation..when your own people are against you....and  did you say kill? ah "kill'..that reminds me I have killed your trusted personal assistant Ajit...

Reena: what you killed Ajit??!! how dare you...I won't leave you..

Shekhar: yes I had no other choice...he just won't listen no matter how much I try to bribe him... I couldn't buy I had to kill him..

Reena: Youuuuu.........guards..guards..

Shekhar:no one will listen to you neither your guards nor Rocky boss' ....they'd only listen to me....and those who wouldn't I had already finished you have no where to run...

other side in kgf...........

Rocky: oi what happened

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Rocky: oi what happened...what you people are doing..I told you to prepare for installation of machines..

Man1: boss we were told that if you bring those machines here.....we would lose our job-

Rocky:what nonsense ..whos spreading such rumours bring him to me NOW..

Martin: it must be your enemy..they must be jealous of kgs's prowess ..thats why they are doing it...or maybe its for revenge *smiles inside*

Rocky: I won't ever leave them for doing will be the last mistake they did....

Martin: I am with you Rocky bhai .....but now its important that we install those machines...

in Bombay office...

Reena was held captive in a room.she had no option but to watch those goons burn down everything.

Reena: you are doing a very big mistake...Rocky would kill you...

Shekhar(starts laughing): you are one funny woman...I have planned everything skilfully.......I would kill you right here and make it look like your own employees did that...and Rocky sir would never suspect me...

Reena: how can you betray him....he trusted you so much

Shekhar: shut an outsider like you would know how I feel....I can't see him commit some stupid mistake for a cunning woman like are a thorn in the path of development of kgf......just like that PM Ramika sen...our boss couldn't stop her from destroying kgf....but this time I won't let him commit the same mistake again....YOU'LL HAVE TO DIE.........

in kgf...

Rocky: Martin now that I have resolved the matter here...lets chat in private..

Martin: yeah yeah sure.......but may I ask why..

Rocky:  we have just started such a grand deal...I just wanted to have a drink with you come ...

Martin(to himself): everything is going according to my plan I have kept Rocky busy here ...while Shekhar finishes his job back in Bombay >>>


hope you chapter might be long....



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