chapter 09: love made me crazy

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Rocky sitting in car was still wondering what happened back there with Reena...was he hallucinating..then why did it feel so real..he's getting splitting headache from thinking so much about it...he goes back to hotel........

Shekhar returns back from his rendezvous with loaded truck full of gold.rushing towards Rocky's room...

Shekhar: boss all gold has been returned to us safely and not a single piece is missing...and I have given orders to men to take them safely back to KGF...

Rocky: good..but that's not enough ...change the security around kgf and stricter it...I want tight security in all around my mines and change the blue print...order modern technology security locks from U.S. and replace the old should also go back to kgf now..go...

Shekhar: ok boss


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Reena: Ajit..

Ajit: yes madam

Reena:how did it go?

Ajit: ma'am I did as I was told.i had already replaced all the gold with fake ones.since it was  too dusty there it didn't arouse his suspicious at all...

Reena:why are you so loyal to me when others backstab me..

Ajit: madam my family have been working in this Desai mansion for 55 years...I can give my life for you madam...

Reena: dont worry  I won't let anything happen to you.....

Ajit: what's our next step madam 

Reena: I will think about go and rest now...we will talk in the morning..

Ajit:ok madam

FEW HOURS LATER...Reena was about to sleep...

Someone :thinking about me dear?

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Someone :thinking about me dear?

Reena looks back.....

Reena looks back

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there he was sitting in the dark with his sheepish smile....

Reena: did you get here?? where are my guards..

Rocky: dont shout dear..if they get here..I will have to kill know dear how much I hate violence especially in front of you...

so you decided to betray me...but whyyy??

Reena: go away or else id kill you by my own hands.

Rocky:but I am already deathed dear!!

Reena:what do you want?

Rocky: the gold that you have taken belongs to kgf....I dont mind if you take them...but there's one people back in kgf who had worked so had to extract it...its not fair for them one thing..come to kgf with me with all the gold....lets rule together dear...

Reena: what if I say no? are you going to kidnap me?

Rocky: *gets another flashback*

Rocky: *gets another flashback*

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this time it was vivid......

Rocky:aahhhhhhhhhhh *shuts his eyes tight*

Reena:what happened??what is it??

Rocky:nothing ....just an headache...someone particular have been giving me a lot of headaches these days..*smirks*

Reena: that should make you understand that you must stay away from presence will only create trouble for you......

Rocky: dear why do you always misunderstand me...I am trying to tell you how much my heart craves for you...and its not your closeness that's giving me headaches..its your futile efforts that you do to stay away is the issue...dear  you are my pain & you the medicine of my pain too.....

goodnight.have a good rest you must be tired from plotting so much against me..*smirks and goes away*

Reena(to herself): what is going on with him?? matter what happens I won't change my mind.....


Rocky: what's going on with me?? matter what I will make you change your mind.....

Rocky on phone call:shekhar,i am coming back to kgf

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Rocky on phone call:shekhar,i am coming back to kgf....prepare for my return...before that I have to meet someone here for the last time....


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