chapter 08: this love is good..this love is bad...

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Reena contemplating her next step

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Reena contemplating her next step....

Reena: Ali....Ali..

Ali was the spy she sent to KGF

Ali: yes ma'am

Reena: I have arranged the cash which I have kept in a bag in the car and hired you a driver who will take you to the airport... the ticket to Dubai are in the bag in the backseat of the car..take your belongings and go away this evening..when situations become normal I will call you back..

Ali: but ma'am what about you?

Reena: dont worry about me just go...and dont look are not safe here....

Ali: ok ma'am

Ali turns to go away...but before he can go any further....

bang bang..............................

Reena turns around to see the direction where the gunshots came from.......

Reena turns around to see the direction where the gunshots came from

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Rocky: dear dear dear........there was no point in sending him to Dubai ...what will he do in Dubai?? get help from Inayat Khalil? well well....I have exterminated the whole gang of Inayat Khalil and its all on you ...if Inayat had only sent an assassin to kill me I could have forgiven him...but since he was an acquaintance in stealing my gold by providing decoy assassin to hijack my gold...I can't spare him ..can I dear???

Reena: then you must also already know that it was my plan all along

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Reena: then you must also already know that it was my plan all along....go ahead shoot me..what are you waiting for shoot...NOW

Rocky:ssssssssss.....dear how can I live if you die....after all you were the reason I survived that huge will to survive only came after seeing your face at the are the reason I am alive....but one thing I dont understand why are you taking away my reason to live...I can't live without my gold dear....its a promise that I made to someone and I am very much willing to keep that...

its a promise that I made to someone and I am very much willing to keep that

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Reena: and as long as I am alive I won't let that happen......

Rocky(snaps but composes himself somehow) : Shekhar ..

Shekhar : yes boss...

Rocky: there is some school for some underprivileged around here....right? lets go and have a tour around the area and ask those kids if they need anything..

Reena: no no ...what those innocent school kids have done......dont bring them in our fight..please Rocky

Rocky: you know what dear there's  this switch in my brain that gets turned on...and I totally get out of control...I myself can't predict what is gonna happen before that switch gets turned on tell me where my gold is..

Reena( shocked to see this side of Rocky) : ok ok I'll tell personal assisstant Ajit knows the location ..I will call him..he will take you there..but please dont do anything to kids......

calls Ajit...Rocky sends Shekhar to accompany Ajit and instructs him strictly to make sure the gold count is upto mark....not a single piece is misplaced..

Rocky: you dont know me at all dear......I dont harm Kids and women...that threat was just a can I really threaten you my dear...

Reena: yyyou...........(to herself - I thought you might have changed)

Rocky: and yes next time choose a worthy opponent for me ......if you wanna continue playing this game of cat and case you get bored...and decided to finally marry me...instead of stealing my gold and attracting my attention otherwise........just ask for it....afterall what is yours too...

Reena: and what if after marrying me and making me all those promises you forget about me...forget about us??

Rocky- a flashback hits him like a wave.....

Rocky- a flashback hits him like a wave

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he staggers back...his back touches the wall behind

Reena: what happened?? are you ok?

Rocky: yeah im fine....I am going to check up on Shekhar....and make sure you haven't laid another trap...

Rocky went away hurriedly from there..............trying to grasp a hold on himself........unwilling to show his vulnerable side in front of Reena........

unwilling to show his vulnerable side in front of Reena

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what happens next???????  does Rocky regain his memories??????????

stay tuned to find out...


P.S. - oh my kamisama I am on a roll today........seems like my imagination has peaked.....might as well utilise it before it drops down lol :-}}}}}}}}}} 

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